Max Müller


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Toward accurate and fast velocity quantification with 3D ultrashort TE phase-contrast imaging (2024) Degenhardt K, Schmidt S, Aigner CS, Kratzer FJ, Seiter DP, Müller M, Kolbitsch C, et al. Journal article Influence of image contrasts and reconstruction methods on the classification of multiple sclerosis-like lesions in simulated sodium magnetic resonance imaging (2022) Ruck L, Mennecke A, Wilferth T, Lachner S, Müller M, Egger N, Dörfler A, et al. Journal article Direct imaging of white matter ultrashort T2∗ components at 7 Tesla (2022) Müller M, Egger N, Sommer S, Wilferth T, Meixner C, Laun FB, Mennecke A, et al. Journal article Assessing muscle-specific potassium concentrations in human lower leg using potassium magnetic resonance imaging (2022) Gast L, Baier LM, Chaudry O, Meixner C, Müller M, Engelke K, Uder M, et al. Journal article Quantitative 7T sodium magnetic resonance imaging of the human brain using a 32-channel phased-array head coil: Application to patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (2022) Wilferth T, Mennecke A, Gast L, Lachner S, Müller M, Rothhammer V, Huhn K, et al. Journal article Motion-corrected 23Na MRI of the human brain using interleaved 1H 3D navigator images (2022) Wilferth T, Müller M, Gast L, Ruck L, Meyerspeer M, Kolkovsky ALL, Uder M, et al. Journal article Feasibility of deuterium magnetic resonance spectroscopy of 3-O-Methylglucose at 7 Tesla (2021) Hartmann B, Müller M, Seyler L, Bäuerle T, Wilferth T, Avdievitch N, Ruhm L, et al. Journal article Hybrid B1+-shimming and gradient adaptions for improved pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 7 Tesla (2021) Meixner C, Eisen C, Schmitter S, Müller M, Herrler J, Hensel B, Dörfler A, et al. Journal article Towards accelerated quantitative sodium MRI at 7 T in the skeletal muscle: Comparison of anisotropic acquisition- and compressed sensing techniques (2021) Utzschneider M, Müller M, Gast L, Lachner S, Behl NG, Maier A, Uder M, Nagel AM Journal article Combined imaging of potassium and sodium in human skeletal muscle tissue at 7 T (2020) Gast L, Volker S, Utzschneider M, Linz P, Wilferth T, Müller M, Kopp C, et al. Journal article