Lehrstuhl für Chemistry of thin film materials


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

Solar Reduction of CO2 at Nano-Architectured Photoelectrodes Featuring Advanced Photon Management Feb. 1, 2022 - Feb. 1, 2025 Solar Energy Conversion via Metal/Carbon Nitrides Interfaces for Visible-Light Photoelectrocatalysis (SOLAREC) Jan. 1, 2024 - Dec. 31, 2024 Laser-patterned hierarchical porous electrodes for the foreseen Iontronics technology (LASERION) Jan. 1, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2024 The solar battery: Integrated solar energy capture, chemical storage, and electrical release by molecular approach (MSCA-PF: SMolarBatt) Jan. 1, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2024 Tuneable supports and geometry effects in SCALMS catalysis (A04) (SFB 1452 CLINT A04) Catalysis at Liquid Interfaces (CLINT) (SFB 1452 CLINT) Jan. 1, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2024 Atomic-layer additive manufacturing for solar cells (ALAMS) May 1, 2022 - Oct. 31, 2023 all-in-one machine for hybrid technologies enabling high value added multi-scale integrated micro optoelectronics (Mesomorph) all-in-one machine for hybrid technologies enabling high value added multi-scale integrated micro.optoelectronics Oct. 1, 2020 - Sept. 30, 2023 Investigation of stability and degradation phenomena in model M@C / PANI nanocomposite electrodes with 2D and 3D architecture March 1, 2020 - March 1, 2023 Electroenzymatic CO2 reduction by recombinant CODHs from marine habitats (ECO2nvert) Feb. 1, 2020 - Jan. 31, 2023 ‘Tubulyze’ — Neuartige, Kostenreduktionen ermöglichende, Produktionsverfahren für eine tubuläre PEM-Elektrolysezelle (Tubulyze) Feb. 1, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2022
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