Silicon Carbide and Epitaxial Graphene: Light/Matter Interfaces

Color center Farbzentrum in der Einheitszelle von 4H-SiC Stark Effekt an der Silizium-Fehlstelle in SiC Untersuchungen von Farbzentren im elektrischen Feld

Description / Outline

We have been working for many years with the semiconductor material silicon carbide (SiC) and with epitaxial graphene on its surface. This material system has ideal properties to enable conceptually new interfaces between light and matter. Examples of the questions we are working on are: Can we develop devices for light-driven electronics? Can we build devices that are sensitive in the Terahertz (THz) spectral range? Can we harness single point defects in SiC for quantum communication and quantum sensing? Can we develop SiC into a technology platform for quantum technology?

