Biomarker in occupational medicine

Description / Outline

The research group concentrates on cellular responses to exposure to hazardous substances/xenobiotics. To achieve this objective, the fate of xenobiotics is monitored from the uptake/metabolisation to the occurrence of adverse responses. The group uses cell models (2D and 3D models) that are exposed to xenobiotics time- and dose-dependently. This study design captures cellular responses ranging from no effect over low dose response to definite toxic effects enabling the analysis of the transition from adaptive to adverse responses. Mechanistic studies of this transition are essential for the protection of humans.

A variety of biological-analytical methods are used to investigate underlying mechanisms. One focus of the investigations lies on changes in the metabolism of cells in response to exposure, which are determined using a metabolomic approach (metabolomics). In order to characterize the transition from an adaptive to an adverse response, various biomathematical methods (system biology) are applied.

