Project F – Room Temperature Aerosol Deposition of Lead-Free Ferroelectric Films for Energy Conversion Systems

Figure 1a Research picture

Description / Outline

The focus of this project is the investigation of lead-free ferroelectrics films for energy conversion applications using aerosol deposition (AD). During deposition, micron-sized particles are accelerated through a nozzle by a carrier gas into a vacuum chamber. The particles impact a substrate, breaking apart and forming a dense (>96 %) ceramic film at room temperature with an exceptionally high deposition rate. Because AD is a room temperature process, deposition of metallic, ceramic, semi-conductor, glass, or plastic particles on various substrates is possible. This is not achievable with other film deposition techniques requiring high temperature densification. Multi-layer composite structures consisting of alternating layers of different materials (2-2 connectivity) (Figure 1a) or mixed composite structures (0-3 connectivity) as well as porous films structures can also be produced, which could be used to optimize electromechanical properties or build-in additional functionalities.

The primary research goal is the improved understanding of the deposition of lead-free ferroelectric films for energy conversion applications using AD. Methods to thermally, chemically, and microstructurally tune the residual stress in the films will also be investigated, in addition to enhancement in electromechanical coupling using ceramic/ceramic composites and novel 3D film structures.

