Supergroup - Extended super Liouville correspondence

Creutzig T, Hikida Y, Rønne PB (2011)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2011


Book Volume: 2011

Article Number: 63

Journal Issue: 6

DOI: 10.1007/JHEP06(2011)063


We derive a relation between correlation functions of supergroup WZNW models and conformal field theories with extended superconformal symmetry. The supergroups considered have a bosonic subgroup of the form SL(2) × A for some Lie group A. The corresponding conformal field theory is a super Liouville field theory coupled with the WZNW model on A. An example is a correspondence between the PSU(1,1|2) WZNW model and small N = 4 super Liouville field theory. The OSP(n|2) WZNW model is related to a superconformal field theory with SO(n) extended superconformal symmetry of the Knizhnik-Bershadsky type. In the case n = 4 this is simply the large N = (4, 4) superconformal symmetry. Besides these two examples we make a general derivation encompassing the WZNW models on supergroups SL(2|n), D(2,1;α), OSP(4|2n), F(4) and G(3) and their relation to models with extended superconformal algebras as symmetry. © SISSA 2011.

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How to cite


Creutzig, T., Hikida, Y., & Rønne, P.B. (2011). Supergroup - Extended super Liouville correspondence. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6).


Creutzig, Thomas, Yasuaki Hikida, and Peter B. Rønne. "Supergroup - Extended super Liouville correspondence." Journal of High Energy Physics 2011.6 (2011).

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