Search for decoherence from quantum gravity with atmospheric neutrinos

Abbasi R, Ackermann M, Adams J, Agarwalla SK, Aguilar JA, Ahlers M, Alameddine JM, Amin NM, Andeen K, Anton G, Argüelles C, Ashida Y, Athanasiadou S, Ausborm L, Axani SN, Bai X, Balagopal V A, Baricevic M, Barwick SW, Basu V, Bay R, Beatty JJ, Tjus JB, Beise J, Bellenghi C, Benning C, BenZvi S, Berley D, Bernardini E, Besson DZ, Blaufuss E, Blot S, Bontempo F, Book JY, Meneguolo CB, Böser S, Botner O, Böttcher J, Braun J, Brinson B, Brostean-Kaiser J, Brusa L, Burley RT, Busse RS, Butterfield D, Campana MA, Carloni K, Carnie-Bronca EG, Chattopadhyay S, Chau N, Chen C, Chen Z, Chirkin D, Choi S, Clark BA, Coleman A, Collin GH, Connolly A, Conrad JM, Coppin P, Correa P, Cowen DF, Dave P, Clercq CD, DeLaunay JJ, Delgado D, Deng S, Deoskar K, Desai A, Desiati P, de Vries KD, de Wasseige G, DeYoung T, Diaz A, Díaz-Vélez JC, Dittmer M, Domi A, Dujmovic H, DuVernois MA, Ehrhardt T, Eimer A, Eller P, Ellinger E, Mentawi SE, Elsässer D, Engel R, Erpenbeck H, Evans J, Evenson PA, Fan KL, Fang K, Farrag K, Fazely AR, Fedynitch A, Feigl N, Fiedlschuster S, Finley C, Fischer L, Fox D, Franckowiak A, Fürst P, Gallagher J, Ganster E, Garcia A, Gerhardt L, Ghadimi A, Glaser C, Glüsenkamp T, Gonzalez JG, Grant D, Gray SJ, Gries O, Griffin S, Griswold S, Groth KM, Günther C, Gutjahr P, Ha C, Haack C, Hallgren A, Halliday R, Halve L, Halzen F, Hamdaoui H, Minh MH, Handt M, Hanson K, Hardin J, Harnisch AA, Hatch P, Haungs A, Häußler J, Helbing K, Hellrung J, Hermannsgabner J, Heuermann L, Heyer N, Hickford S, Hidvegi A, Hill C, Hill GC, Hoffman KD, Hori S, Hoshina K, Hou W, Huber T, Hultqvist K, Hünnefeld M, Hussain R, Hymon K, In S, Ishihara A, Jacquart M, Janik O, Jansson M, Japaridze GS, Jeong M, Jin M, Jones BJ, Kamp N, Kang D, Kang W, Kang X, Kappes A, Kappesser D, Kardum L, Karg T, Karl M, Karle A, Katil A, Katz U, Kauer M, Kelley JL, Zathul AK, Kheirandish A, Kiryluk J, Klein SR, Kochocki A, Koirala R, Kolanoski H, Kontrimas T, Köpke L, Kopper C, Koskinen DJ, Koundal P, Kovacevich M, Kowalski M, Kozynets T, Krishnamoorthi J, Kruiswijk K, Krupczak E, Kumar A, Kun E, Kurahashi N, Lad N, Gualda CL, Lamoureux M, Larson MJ, Latseva S, Lauber F, Lazar JP, Lee JW, DeHolton KL, Leszczyńska A, Lincetto M, Liu Y, Liubarska M, Lohfink E, Love C, Mariscal CJ, Lu L, Lucarelli F, Luszczak W, Lyu Y, Madsen J, Magnus E, Mahn KB, Makino Y, Manao E, Mancina S, Sainte WM, Mariş IC, Marka S, Marka Z, Marsee M, Martinez-Soler I, Maruyama R, Mayhew F, McElroy T, McNally F, Mead JV, Meagher K, Mechbal S, Medina A, Meier M, Merckx Y, Merten L, Micallef J, Mitchell J, Montaruli T, Moore RW, Morii Y, Morse R, Moulai M, Mukherjee T, Naab R, Nagai R, Nakos M, Naumann U, Necker J, Negi A, Neumann M, Niederhausen H, Nisa MU, Noell A, Novikov A, Nowicki SC, Pollmann AO, O’Dell V, Oeyen B, Olivas A, Orsoe R, Osborn J, O’Sullivan E, Pandya H, Park N, Parker GK, Paudel EN, Paul L, Pérez de los Heros C, Pernice T, Peterson J, Philippen S, Pizzuto A, Plum M, Pontén A, Popovych Y, Rodriguez MP, Pries B, Procter-Murphy R, Przybylski GT, Raab C, Rack-Helleis J, Rawlins K, Rechav Z, Rehman A, Reichherzer P, Resconi E, Reusch S, Rhode W, Riedel B, Rifaie A, Roberts EJ, Robertson S, Rodan S, Roellinghoff G, Rongen M, Rosted A, Rott C, Ruhe T, Ruohan L, Ryckbosch D, Safa I, Saffer J, Salazar-Gallegos D, Sampathkumar P, Herrera SE, Sandrock A, Santander M, Sarkar S, Sarkar S, Savelberg J, Savina P, Schaufel M, Schieler H, Schindler S, Schlickmann L, Schlüter B, Schlüter F, Schmeisser N, Schmidt T, Schneider J, Schröder FG, Schumacher L, Sclafani S, Seckel D, Seikh M, Seunarine S, Shah R, Shefali S, Shimizu N, Silva M, Skrzypek B, Smithers B, Snihur R, Soedingrekso J, Søgaard A, Soldin D, Soldin P, Sommani G, Spannfellner C, Spiczak GM, Spiering C, Stamatikos M, Stanev T, Stezelberger T, Stürwald T, Stuttard T, Sullivan GW, Taboada I, Ter-Antonyan S, Terliuk A, Thiesmeyer M, Thompson WG, Thwaites J, Tilav S, Tollefson K, Tönnis C, Toscano S, Tosi D, Trettin A, Tung CF, Turcotte R, Twagirayezu JP, Elorrieta MA, Upadhyay AK, Upshaw K, Vaidyanathan A, Valtonen-Mattila N, Vandenbroucke J, van Eijndhoven N, Vannerom D, van Santen J, Vara J, Veitch-Michaelis J, Venugopal M, Vereecken M, Verpoest S, Veske D, Vijai A, Walck C, Wang Y, Weaver C, Weigel P, Weindl A, Weldert J, Wen AY, Wendt C, Werthebach J, Weyrauch M, Whitehorn N, Wiebusch CH, Williams DR, Witthaus L, Wolf A, Wolf M, Wrede G, Xu XW, Yanez JP, Yildizci E, Yoshida S, Young R, Yu S, Yuan T, Zhang Z, Zhelnin P, Zilberman P, Zimmerman M (2024)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2024


DOI: 10.1038/s41567-024-02436-w


Neutrino oscillations at the highest energies and longest baselines can be used to study the structure of spacetime and test the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics. If the metric of spacetime has a quantum mechanical description, its fluctuations at the Planck scale are expected to introduce non-unitary effects that are inconsistent with the standard unitary time evolution of quantum mechanics. Neutrinos interacting with such fluctuations would lose their quantum coherence, deviating from the expected oscillatory flavour composition at long distances and high energies. Here we use atmospheric neutrinos detected by the IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory in the energy range of 0.5–10.0 TeV to search for coherence loss in neutrino propagation. We find no evidence of anomalous neutrino decoherence and determine limits on neutrino–quantum gravity interactions. The constraint on the effective decoherence strength parameter within an energy-independent decoherence model improves on previous limits by a factor of 30. For decoherence effects scaling as E2, our limits are advanced by more than six orders of magnitude beyond past measurements compared with the state of the art.

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How to cite


Abbasi, R., Ackermann, M., Adams, J., Agarwalla, S.K., Aguilar, J.A., Ahlers, M.,... Zimmerman, M. (2024). Search for decoherence from quantum gravity with atmospheric neutrinos. Nature Physics.


Abbasi, R., et al. "Search for decoherence from quantum gravity with atmospheric neutrinos." Nature Physics (2024).

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