Language(s), discourse(s), space(s)-and their transformations in the digital age: Research approaches from cultural and social geography

Glasze G (2024)

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 2024

Publisher: Bielefeld University

Edited Volumes: Geographical Research in the Digital Humanities

ISBN: 9783839469187


With the reception of social and cultural theories in the 20th century, studies in Cultural and Social Geography developed a new perspective on spaces: societal spaces were no longer conceived as given but as always (re-)produced. In particular, discourse-theoretically oriented research was (and still is) interested in how texts (and other sign systems such as maps and wider assemblages of practices) delimit, describe and thus produce specific spaces. The digital transformation is now leading to changes in socio-spatial relations: New networks of digital interaction are being established and, at the same time, new digital boundaries are being defined. Digital information helps shape the world we live in. Against this background, Cultural and Social Geography as well as the emerging field of Digital Geography are developing new conceptual approaches to understand these changes-such as "digitally augmented spaces". The approaches from Cultural and Social Geography therefore offer the Digital Humanities theoretical impulses for questions about the conceptualisation of spatiality. At the same time, with regard to empirical work, there are numerous points of convergence that may make a closer exchange fruitful.

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How to cite


Glasze, G. (2024). Language(s), discourse(s), space(s)-and their transformations in the digital age: Research approaches from cultural and social geography. In Geographical Research in the Digital Humanities. Bielefeld University.


Glasze, Georg. "Language(s), discourse(s), space(s)-and their transformations in the digital age: Research approaches from cultural and social geography." Geographical Research in the Digital Humanities. Bielefeld University, 2024.

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