Combined numerical methods for solving time-varying semilinear differential-algebraic equations with the use of spectral projectors and recalculation

Filipkovska M (2024)

Publication Language: English

Publication Status: In review

Publication Type: Unpublished / Preprint

Future Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2024

DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2212.00012


Two combined methods for computing solutions of time-varying semilinear differential-algebraic equations (or descriptor systems) are obtained.   When constructing the methods, time-varying spectral projectors which can be found numerically are used. This enables to numerically solve the differential-algebraic equation (DAE) in the original form without additional analytical transformations. The convergence and correctness of the developed methods are proved.  The methods are applicable to the semilinear DAEs with the continuous nonlinear part which may not be differentiable in time. The restrictions of the type of the global Lipschitz condition are not used in the presented theorems on the global solvability of DAEs and on the convergence of the methods.  This extends the scope of the methods.  The obtained theorems ensure both the existence of a unique global exact solution and the convergence of the methods, which enables to compute an approximate solution on any given time interval. Numerical examples illustrating the capabilities of the methods and their effectiveness in various situations are provided. To demonstrate the practical application of the obtained methods and theorems, the numerical and theoretical analyses of mathematical models of the dynamics of electric circuits are carried out. It is shown that their results are consistent.

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How to cite


Filipkovska, M. (2024). Combined numerical methods for solving time-varying semilinear differential-algebraic equations with the use of spectral projectors and recalculation. (Unpublished, In review).


Filipkovska, Maria. Combined numerical methods for solving time-varying semilinear differential-algebraic equations with the use of spectral projectors and recalculation. Unpublished, In review. 2024.

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