The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

Feng JL, Kling F, Reno MH, Rojo J, Soldin D, Anchordoqui LA, Boyd J, Ismail A, Harland-Lang L, Kelly KJ, Pandey V, Trojanowski S, Tsai YD, Alameddine JM, Araki T, Ariga A, Ariga T, Asai K, Bacchetta A, Balazs K, Barr AJ, Battistin M, Bian J, Bertone C, Bai W, Bakhti P, Baha Balantekin A, Barman B, Batell B, Bauer M, Bauer B, Becker M, Berlin A, Bertuzzo E, Bhattacharya A, Bonvini M, Boogert ST, Boyarsky A, Bramante J, Brdar V, Carmona A, Casper DW, Celiberto FG, Cerutti F, Chachamis G, Chauhan G, Citron M, Copello E, Corso JP, Darmé L, D'Agnolo RT, Darvishi N, Das A, De Lellis G, De Roeck A, De Vries J, Dembinski HP, Demidov S, Deniverville P, Denton PB, Deppisch FF, Bhupal Dev PS, Di Crescenzo A, Dienes KR, Diwan MV, Dreiner HK, Du Y, Dutta B, Duwentäster P, Elie L, Ellis SA, Enberg R, Farzan Y, Fieg M, Foguel AL, Foldenauer P, Foroughi-Abari S, Fortin JF, Friedland A, Fuchs E, Fucilla M, Gallmeister K, Garcia A, Canal CA, Garzelli MV, Gauld R, Ghosh S, Ghoshal A, Gibson S, Giuli F, Gonçalves VP, Gorbunov D, Goswami S, Grau S, Günther JY, Guzzi M, Haas A, Hakulinen T, Harris SP, Harz J, Herrera JCH, Hill CS, Hirsch M, Hobbs TJ, Höche S, Hryczuk A, Huang F, Inada T, Infantino A, Ismail A, Jacobsson R, Jana S, Jeong YS, Jezo T, Jho Y, Jodłowski K, Kalashnikov D, Kärkkäinen TJ, Keppel C, Kim J, Klasen M, Klein SR, Ko P, Köhler D, Komatsu M, Kovařík K, Kulkarni S, Kumar J, Kumar K, Kuo JL, Krauss F, Kusina A, Laletin M, Le Roux C, Lee SJ, Lee HS, Lefebvre H, Li J, Li S, Li Y, Liu W, Liu Z, Lonjon M, Lyu KF, MacIula R, Abraham RM, Masouminia MR, McFayden J, Mikulenko O, Mohammed MM, Mohan KA, Morfín JG, Mosel U, Mosny M, Muzakka KF, Nadolsky P, Nakano T, Nangia S, Cornago AN, Nevay LJ, Ninin P, Nocera ER, Nomura T, Nunes R, Okada N, Olness F, Osborne J, Otono H, Ovchynnikov M, Papa A, Pei J, Peon G, Perez G, Pickering L, Plätzer S, Plestid R, Poddar TK, Quílez P, Rai M, Rajaee M, Raut D, Reimitz P, Resnati F, Rhode W, Richardson P, Ritz A, Rokujo H, Roszkowski L, Ruhe T, Ruiz R, Sabate-Gilarte M, Sandrock A, Sarcevic I, Sarkar S, Sato O, Scherb C, Schienbein I, Schulz H, Schwaller P, Sciutto SJ, Sengupta D, Shchutska L, Shimomura T, Silvetti F, Sinha K, Sjöstrand T, Sobczyk JT, Song H, Soriano JF, Soreq Y, Stasto A, Stuart D, Su S, Su W, Szczurek A, Tabrizi Z, Takubo Y, Taoso M, Thomas B, Thonet P, Tuckler D, Sabio Vera A, Vincke H, Vishnudath KN, Wang ZS, Winkler MW, Wu W, Xie K, Xu XJ, You T, Yu JY, Yu JH, Zapp K, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhou G, Funchal RZ, Khalek RA, An D, Arakawa J, Arduini G, Barman RK, Beacom JF, Bernlochner F, Bishai M, Boeckh T, Bortoletto D, Boveia A, Brenner L, Brodsky SJ, Burgard C, Camargo-Molina JE, Carli T, Chang S, Charitonidis N, Chen X, Chen TY, Chiang CW, Coccaro A, Cohen T, Coleman A, Conceição R, Cooper-Sarkar A, D'Onofrio M, Davoudiasl H, Di Matteo A, Di Valentino E, Dobre R, Doglioni C, Mendes LM, Dova MT, Duvernois MA, Ekstedt A, Elsen E, Del Valle AE, Essig R, Farrar GR, Fedynitch A, Fellers D, Firu E, Galon I, Garcia IG, Da Silveira GG, Giunti C, Goldfarb S, Goncalves D, Sevilla SG, Suarez RG, Murat Guler A, Gwenlan C, Gwilliam C, Halzen F, Han T, Haungs A, Heeck J, Hentschinski M, Hsu SC, Hu Z, Todd Huffman B, Iacobucci G, Illana JI, Insolia A, Ishak M, Jaeckel J, Kabat D, Ken EK, Kanai T, Katori T, Khoze V, Kotko P, Kribs GD, Kuehn S, Kundu S, Lee C, Leszczynska A, Li L, Lie K, Lillard B, Lin HW, Lowette S, Marfatia D, López FM, Masełek R, Masip M, Matchev K, McCauley T, Medina-Tanco G, Menjo H, Miloi MalM, Miramonti L, Mohlabeng G, Moretti S, Moretti T, Nath P, Navarria FL, Neagu AT, Nelles A, Neuhaus F, Nunez C, Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux J, Okui K, Olinto AV, Onel Y, De Los Heros CP, Pandini C, Pasechnik R, Paul TC, Petersen BA, Pierog T, Plehn T, Plum M, Potamianos K, Preda T, Prim M, Queitsch-Maitland M, Reina L, Reininghaus M, Rizzo TG, Robens T, Ruiz-Chóliz E, Schmieden K, Schnell G, Schott M, Schroeder FG, Sfyrla A, Shadmi Y, Shipsey I, Shively SR, Shoemaker IM, Singh R, Sousa A, Muzio MS, Stupak J, Suarez I, Tait TM, Tata X, Thottoli SR, Toranosuke O, Torrence E, Torres DF, Trócsányi Z, Tricoli A, Unger M, Sierra CV, Valli M, Venters T, Verpoest S, Vilela C, Vormwald B, Wang LT, Waterbury M, Watts G, West SM, Xu T, Yüksel E, Yaeggy B, Yoon CS, Yuan T, Zgura IS (2023)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2023


Book Volume: 50

Article Number: 030501

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6471/ac865e


High energy collisions at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (LHC) produce a large number of particles along the beam collision axis, outside of the acceptance of existing LHC experiments. The proposed Forward Physics Facility (FPF), to be located several hundred meters from the ATLAS interaction point and shielded by concrete and rock, will host a suite of experiments to probe standard model (SM) processes and search for physics beyond the standard model (BSM). In this report, we review the status of the civil engineering plans and the experiments to explore the diverse physics signals that can be uniquely probed in the forward region. FPF experiments will be sensitive to a broad range of BSM physics through searches for new particle scattering or decay signatures and deviations from SM expectations in high statistics analyses with TeV neutrinos in this low-background environment. High statistics neutrino detection will also provide valuable data for fundamental topics in perturbative and non-perturbative QCD and in weak interactions. Experiments at the FPF will enable synergies between forward particle production at the LHC and astroparticle physics to be exploited. We report here on these physics topics, on infrastructure, detector, and simulation studies, and on future directions to realize the FPF's physics potential.

How to cite


Feng, J.L., Kling, F., Reno, M.H., Rojo, J., Soldin, D., Anchordoqui, L.A.,... Zgura, I.S. (2023). The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 50(3).


Feng, Jonathan L., et al. "The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC." Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50.3 (2023).

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