Power scalable fiber laser driven high-harmonic source for broadband high photon flux continua

Klas R, Eschen W, Kirsche A, Rothhardt J, Limpert J (2020)

Publication Type: Conference contribution

Publication year: 2020

Publisher: The Optical Society

Conference Proceedings Title: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Event location: Washington, DC, USA

ISBN: 9781557528209

DOI: 10.1364/EUVXRAY.2020.ETh3A.8


A HHG source generating a broadband continuum from 70 eV to 120 eV with an average power of 2 μW is presented. At 92 eV (13.5 nm) 7-109 ph/s/eV are generated with an rms deviation of 0.8% over 20 minutes.

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How to cite


Klas, R., Eschen, W., Kirsche, A., Rothhardt, J., & Limpert, J. (2020). Power scalable fiber laser driven high-harmonic source for broadband high photon flux continua. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Washington, DC, USA: The Optical Society.


Klas, Robert, et al. "Power scalable fiber laser driven high-harmonic source for broadband high photon flux continua." Proceedings of the 2020 Compact EUV and X-ray Light Sources, EUVXRAY 2020 - Part of OSA High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress 2020, Washington, DC, USA The Optical Society, 2020.

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