Abdo AA, Ackermann M, Ajello M, Axelsson M, Baldini L, Ballet J, Barbiellini G, Bastieri D, Baughman BM, Bechtol K, Bellazzini R, Berenji B, Bloom ED, Bonamente E, Borgland AW, Bregeon J, Brez A, Brigida M, Bruel P, Burnett TH, Caliandro GA, Cameron RA, Caraveo PA, Casandjian JM, Cavazzuti E, Cecchi C, Celik O, Celotti A, Chekhtman A, Chiang J, Ciprini S, Claus R, Cohen-Tanugi J, Collmar W, Conrad J, Costamante L, Cutini S, De Angelis A, De Palma F, Do Couto E Silva E, Drell PS, Dumora D, Farnier C, Favuzzi C, Fegan SJ, Focke WB, Fortin P, Foschini L, Frailis M, Fuhrmann L, Fukazawa Y, Funk S, Fusco P, Gargano F, Gehrels N, Germani S, Giglietto N, Giordano F, Giroletti M, Glanzman T, Godfrey G, Grenier IA, Grove JE, Guillemot L, Guiriec S, Hanabata Y, Hays E, Hughes RE, Jackson MS, Johannesson G, Johnson AS, Johnson WN, Kadler M, Kamae T, Katagiri H, Kataoka J, Kawai N, Kerr M, Knoedlseder J, Kocian ML, Kuss MW, Lande J, Latronico L, Longo F, Loparco F, Lott B, Lovellette MN, Lubrano P, Madejski GM, Makeev A, Max-Moerbeck W, Mazziotta MN, Mcconville W, Mcenery JE, Mcglynn S, Meurer C, Michelson PF, Mitthumsiri W, Mizuno T, Moiseev AA, Monte C, Monzani ME, Morselli A, Moskalenko IV, Nestoras I, Nolan PL, Norris JP, Nuss E, Ohsugi T, Omodei N, Orlando E, Ormes JF, Paneque D, Parent D, Pavlidou V, Pelassa V, Pepe M, Pesce-Rollins M, Piron F, Porter TA, Raino S, Rando R, Razzano M, Readhead A, Reimer O, Reposeur T, Richards JL, Rodriguez AY, Roth M, Ryde F, Sadrozinski HFW, Sanchez D, Sander A, Parkinson PMS, Scargle JD, Sgro C, Shaw MS, Smith PD, Spandre G, Spinelli P, Strickman MS, Suson DJ, Tagliaferri G, Tajima H, Takahashi HH, Tanaka T, Thayer JB, Thayer JG, Thompson DJ, Tibaldo L, Tibolla O, Torres DF, Tosti G, Tramacere A, Uchiyama Y, Usher TL, Vasileiou V, Vilchez N, Vitale V, Waite AP, Wang P, Wehrle AE, Winer BL, Wood KS, Ylinen T, Zensus JA, Ziegler M, Angelakis E, Bailyn C, Bignall H, Blanchard J, Bonning EW, Buxton M, Canterna R, Carraminana A, Carrasco L, Colomer F, Doi A, Ghisellini G, Hauser M, Hong X, Isler J, Kino M, Kovalev YY, Kovalev YA, Krichbaum TP, Kutyrev A, Lahteenmaki A, Van Langevelde HJ, Lister ML, Macomb D, Maraschi L, Marchili N, Nagai H, Paragi Z, Phillips C, Pushkarev AB, Recillas E, Roming P, Sekido M, Stark MA, Szomoru A, Tammi J, Tavecchio F, Tornikoski M, Tzioumis AK, Urry CM, Wagner S (2009)

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2009


Book Volume: 707

Pages Range: 727-737

Journal Issue: 1

DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/707/1/727


Following the recent discovery of gamma rays from the radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy PMN J0948+0022 (z = 0.5846), we started a multiwavelength campaign from radio to gamma rays, which was carried out between the end of 2009 March and the beginning of July. The source displayed activity at all the observed wavelengths: a general decreasing trend from optical to gamma-ray frequencies was followed by an increase of radio emission after less than two months from the peak of the gamma-ray emission. The largest flux change, about a factor of about 4, occurred in the X-ray band. The smallest was at ultraviolet and near-infrared frequencies, where the rate of the detected photons dropped by a factor 1.6-1.9. At optical wavelengths, where the sampling rate was the highest, it was possible to observe day scale variability, with flux variations up to a factor of about 3. The behavior of PMN J0948+0022 observed in this campaign and the calculated power carried out by its jet in the form of protons, electrons, radiation, and magnetic field are quite similar to that of blazars, specifically of flat-spectrum radio quasars. These results confirm the idea that radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies host relativistic jets with power similar to that of average blazars.

How to cite


Abdo, A.A., Ackermann, M., Ajello, M., Axelsson, M., Baldini, L., Ballet, J.,... Wagner, S. (2009). MULTIWAVELENGTH MONITORING OF THE ENIGMATIC NARROW-LINE SEYFERT 1 PMN J0948+0022 IN 2009 MARCH-JULY. Astrophysical Journal, 707(1), 727-737.


Abdo, A. A., et al. "MULTIWAVELENGTH MONITORING OF THE ENIGMATIC NARROW-LINE SEYFERT 1 PMN J0948+0022 IN 2009 MARCH-JULY." Astrophysical Journal 707.1 (2009): 727-737.

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