Improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory

Aab A, Abreu P, Aglietta M, Ahn EJ, Al Samarai I, Albuquerque IFM, Allekotte I, Allison P, Almela A, Castillo JA, Alvarez-Muñiz J, Batista RA, Ambrosio M, Aminaei A, Anchordoqui L, Andringa S, Aramo C, Aranda VM, Arqueros F, Arsene N, Asorey H, Assis PJS, Aublin J, Ave M, Avenier M, Avila G, Awal N, Badescu AM, Barber KB, Baeuml J, Baus C, Beatty JJ, Becker KH, Bellido JA, Berat C, Bertaina ME, Bertou X, Biermann PL, Billoir P, Blaess SG, Blanco A, Blanco M, Bleve C, Bluemer H, Bohacova M, Boncioli D, Bonifazi C, Borodi N, Brack J, Brancus I, Bridgeman A, Brogueira P, Brown WC, Buchholz P, Bueno A, Buitink S, Buscemi M, Caballero-Mora KS, Caccianiga B, Caccianiga L, Candusso M, Caramete L, Caruso R, Castellina A, Cataldi G, Cazon L, Cester R, Chavez AG, Chiavassa A, Chinellato JA, Chudoba J, Cilmo M, Clay RW, Cocciolo G, Colalillo R, Coleman A, Collica L, Coluccia MR, Conceicao R, Contreras F, Cooper MJ, Cordier A, Coutu S, Covault CE, Cronin J, Dallier R, Daniel B, Dasso S, Daumiller K, Dawson BR, De Almeida RM, De Jong SJ, De Mauro G, De Mello Neto JRT, De Mitri I, De Oliveira J, De Souza V, Del Peral L, Deligny O, Dembinski H, Dhital N, Di Giulio C, Di Matteo A, Diaz JC, Castro MLD, Diogo F, Dobrigkeit C, Docters W, D'Olivo JC, Dorofeev A, Hasankiadeh QD, Dova MT, Ebr J, Enge R, Erdmann M, Erfani M, Escobar CO, Espadanal J, Etchegoyen A, Falcke H, Fang K, Farrar G, Fauth AC, Fazzini N, Ferguson AP, Fernandes M, Fick B, Figueira JM, Filevich A, Filipcic A, Fox BD, Fratu O, Freire MM, Fuchs B, Fujii T, Garcia B, Garcia-Pinto D, Gate F, Gemmeke H, Gherghel-Lascu A, Ghia PL, Giaccari U, Giammarchi M, Giller M, Glas D, Glaser C, Glass H, Golup G, Berisso MG, Vitale PFG, Gonzalez N, Gookin B, Gordon J, Gorgi A, Gorham P, Gouffon P, Griffith N, Grillo AF, Grubb TD, Guardincerri Y, Guarino F, Guedes GP, Hampe MR, Hansen P, Harari D, Harrison TA, Hartmann S, Harton JL, Haungs A, Hebbeker T, Heck D, Heimann P, Herve AE, Hi GC, Hojvat C, Hollon N, Holt E, Homola P, Horande JR, Horvath P, Hrabovsky M, Huber D, Huege T, Insolia A, Isar PG, Jandt I, Jansen S, Jarne C, Johnsen JA, Josebachuili M, Kaeaepae A, Kambeitz O, Kampert KH, Kasper P, Katkov I, Kegl B, Keilhauer B, Keivani A, Kemp E, Kieckhafer RM, Klages HO, Kleifges M, Kleinfeller J, Krause R, Krohm N, Kroemer O, Kuempel D, Kunka N, Lahurd D, Latronico L, Lauer R, Lauscher M, Lautridou P, Le Coz S, Lebrun D, Lebrun P, De Oliveira MAL, Letessier-Selvon A, Lhenry-Yvon I, Link K, Lopes L, Lopez R, Casado AL, Louedec K, Lu L, Lucero A, Malacari M, Maldera S, Mallamaci M, Maller J, Mandat D, Mantsch R, Mariazzi AG, Mann V, Maris IC, Marsella G, Martello D, Martin L, Martinez H, Bravo OM, Martraire D, Meza JJM, Mathes HJ, Mathys S, Matthews J, Matthews JAJ, Matthiae G, Maurel D, Maurizio D, Mayotte E, Mazur PO, Medina C, Medina-Tanco G, Meissner R, Mello VBB, Melo D, Menshikov A, Messina S, Meyhandan R, Micheletti MI, Middendorf L, Minaya IA, Miramonti L, Mitrica B, Molina-Bueno L, Mollerach S, Montanet F, Morello C, Mostafa M, Moura CA, Muller MA, Mueller G, Mueller S, Mussa R, Navarra G, Navarro JL, Navas S, Necesal R, Nellen L, Nelles A, Nelles A, Neuser J, Nguyen PH, Niculescu-Oglinzanu M, Niechciol M, Niemietz L, Niggemann T, Nitz D, Nosek D, Novotny V, Nozka L, Ochilo L, Oikonomou F, Olinto A, Pacheco N, Selmi-Dei DP, Palatka M, Pallotta J, Papenbreer P, Parente G, Parra A, Paul T, Pech M, Pekala J, Pelayo R, Pepe IM, Perrone L, Petermann E, Peters C, Petrera S, Petrov Y, Phuntsok J, Piegaia R, Pierog T, Pieroni P, Pimenta M, Pirronello V, Platino M, Plum M, Porcelli A, Porowski C, Prado RR, Privitera P, Prouza M, Purrello VH, Quel EJ, Querchfeld S, Quinn S, Rautenberg J, Ravel O, Ravignani D, Revenu B, Ridky J, Riggi S, Risse M, Ristori P, Rizi V, De Carvalho WR, Fernandez GR, Rojo JR, Rodriguez-Frias D, Rogozin D, Rosado J, Roth M, Roulet E, Rovero AC, Saffi SJ, Saftoiu A, Salamida F, Salazar H, Saleh A, Greus FS, Salina G, Sanchez F, Sanchez-Lucas P, Santos ED, Santos EM, Sarazin F, Sarkar B, Sarmento R, Sato R, Scarso C, Schauer M, Scherini V, Schieler H, Schiffer P, Schmidt D, Scholten O, Schoorlemmer H, Schovanek P, Schroeder FG, Schulz A, Schulz J, Schumacher J, Sciutto SJ, Segreto A, Settimo M, Shadkam A, Shellard RC, Sidelnik I, Sigl G, Sima O, Smialkowski A, Smida R, Snow GR, Sommers P, Sorokin J, Sotuartini R, Srivastava YN, Stanca D, Stanic S, Stapleton J, Stasielak J, Stephan M, Stutz A, Suarez F, Suomijaervi T, Supanitsky AD, Sutherland MS, Swain J, Szadkowski Z, Taborda OA, Tapia A, Tepe A, Theodoro VM, Tiffenberg J, Timmermans C, Peixoto CJT, Toma G, Tomankova L, Tome B, Tonachini A, Elipe GT, Machado DT, Travnicek P, Ulrich R, Unger M, Urban M, Galicia JFV, Valino I, Valore L, Van Aar G, Van Bodegom P, Van Den Berg AM, Van Velzen S, Van Vliet A, Varela E, Cardenas BV, Varner G, Vasquez R, Vazquez R, Vazquez RA, Veberic D, Verzi V, Vicha J, Videla M, Villasenor L, Vlcek B, Vorobiov S, Wahlberg H, Wainberg O, Walz D, Watson AA, Weber M, Weidenhaupt K, Weindl A, Werner F, Widom A, Wiencke L, Wilczynski H, Winchen T, Wittkowski D, Wundheiler B, Wykes S, Yang L, Yapici T, Yushkov A, Zas E, Zawtanik D, Zavrtanik M, Zepeda A, Zhu Y, Zimmermann B, Ziolkowski M, Zuccarello F (2015)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2015



Book Volume: 91

Article Number: ARTN 092008

Journal Issue: 9

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.092008


Neutrinos in the cosmic ray flux with energies near 1 EeV and above are detectable with the Surface Detector array (SD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory. We report here on searches through Auger data from 1 January 2004 until 20 June 2013. No neutrino candidates were found, yielding a limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos that challenges the Waxman-Bahcall bound predictions. Neutrino identification is attempted using the broad time structure of the signals expected in the SD stations, and is efficiently done for neutrinos of all flavors interacting in the atmosphere at large zenith angles, as well as for "Earth-skimming" neutrino interactions in the case of tau neutrinos. In this paper the searches for downward-going neutrinos in the zenith angle bins 60 degrees-75 degrees and 75 degrees-90 degrees as well as for upward-going neutrinos, are combined to give a single limit. The 90% C.L. single-flavor limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos with an E-2 spectrum in the energy range 1.0 x 10(17) eV-2.5 x 10(19) eV is E(nu)(2)dN(nu)/dE(nu) < 6.4 x 10(-9) GeV cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1).

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How to cite


Aab, A., Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Ahn, E.J., Al Samarai, I., Albuquerque, I.F.M.,... Zuccarello, F. (2015). Improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory. Physical Review D, 91(9).


Aab, A., et al. "Improved limit to the diffuse flux of ultrahigh energy neutrinos from the Pierre Auger Observatory." Physical Review D 91.9 (2015).

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