Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. II. Composition implications

Aab A, Abreu P, Aglietta M, Ahn EJ, Al Samarai I, Albuquerque IFM, Allekotte I, Allen J, Allison P, Almela A, Alvarez Castillo J, Alvarez-Muniz J, Batista RA, Ambrosio M, Aminaei A, Anchordoqui L, Andringa S, Aramo C, Aranda VM, Arqueros F, Asorey H, Assis PJS, Aublin J, Ave M, Avenier M, Avila G, Awal N, Badescu AM, Barber KB, Baeuml J, Baus C, Beatty JJ, Becker KH, Bellido JA, Berat C, Bertania ME, Bertou X, Biermann PL, Billoir P, Blaess S, Blanco M, Bleve C, Bluemer H, Bohacova M, Boncioli D, Bonifazi C, Bonino R, Borodai N, Brack J, Brancus I, Bridgeman A, Brogueira P, Brown WC, Buchholz P, Bueno A, Buitink S, Buscemi M, Caballero-Mora KS, Caccianiga B, Caccianiga L, Candusso M, Caramete L, Caruso R, Castellina A, Cataldi G, Cazon L, Cester R, Chavez AG, Chiavassa A, Chinellato JA, Chudoba J, Cilmo M, Clay RW, Cocciolo G, Colalillo R, Coleman A, Collica L, Coluccia MR, Conceicao R, Contreras F, Cooper MJ, Cordier A, Coutu S, Covault CE, Cronin J, Curutiu A, Dallier R, Daniel B, Dasso S, Daumiller K, Dawson BR, De Almeida RM, De Domenico M, De Jong SJ, De Mello Neto JRT, De Mitri I, De Oliveira J, De Souza V, Del Peral L, Deligny O, Dembinski H, Dhital N, Di Giulio C, Di Matteo A, Diaz JC, Diaz Castro ML, Diogo F, Dobrigkeit C, Docters W, D'Olivo JC, Dorofeev A, Hasankiadeh QD, Dova MT, Ebr J, Engel R, Erdmann M, Erfani M, Escobar CO, Espadanal J, Etchegoyen A, Luis PFS, Falcke H, Fang K, Farrar G, Fauth AC, Fazzini N, Ferguson AP, Fernandes M, Fick B, Figueira JM, Filevich A, Filipcic A, Fox BD, Fratu O, Froehlich U, Fuchs B, Fuji T, Gaior R, Garcia B, Garcia Roca ST, Garcia-Gamez D, Garcia-Pinto D, Garilli G, Gascon Bravo A, Gate F, Gemmeke H, Ghia PL, Giaccari U, Giammarchi M, Giller M, Glaser C, Glass H, Gomez Berisso M, Gomez Vitale PF, Goncalves P, Gonzalez JG, Gonzalez N, Gookin B, Gordon J, Gorgi A, Gorham P, Gouffon P, Grebe S, Griffith N, Grillo AF, Grubb TD, Guarino F, Guedes GP, Hampel MR, Hansen P, Harari D, Harrison TA, Hartmann S, Harton JL, 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Meissner R, Melissas M, Melo D, Menshikov A, Messina S, Meyhandan R, Micanovic S, Micheletti MI, Middendorf L, Minaya IA, Miramonti L, Mitrica B, Molina-Bueno L, Mollerach S, Monasor M, Ragaigne DM, Montanet F, Morello C, Mostafa M, Moura CA, Muller MA, Mueller G, Mueller S, Muenchmeyer M, Mussa R, Navarra G, Navas S, Necesal P, Nellen L, Nelles A, Neuser J, Nguyen P, Niechciol M, Niemietz L, Niggemann T, Nitz D, Nosek D, Novotny V, Nozka L, Ochilo L, Olinto A, Oliveira M, Pacheco N, Pakk Selmi-Dei D, Palatka M, Pallotta J, Palmieri N, Papenbreer P, Parente G, Parra A, Paul T, Pech M, Pekala J, Pelayo R, Pepe IM, Perrone L, Petermann E, Peters C, Petrera S, Petrov Y, Phuntsok J, Piegaia R, Pierog T, Pieroni P, Pimenta M, Pirronello V, Platino M, Plum M, Porcelli A, Porowski C, Prado RR, Privitera P, Prouza M, Purrello VH, Quel EJ, Querchfeld S, Quinn S, Rautenberg J, Ravel O, Ravignani D, Revenu B, Ridky J, Riggi S, Risse M, Ristori P, Rizi V, Rodrigues De Carvalho W, Rodriguez Cabo I, Rodriguez Fernandez G, Rodriguez Rojo J, Rodriguez-Frias MD, Rogozin D, Ros G, Rosado J, Rossler T, Roth M, Roulet E, Rovero AC, Saffi SJ, Saftoiu A, Salamida F, Salazar H, Saleh A, Greus FS, Salina G, Sanchez F, Sanchez-Lucas P, Santo CE, Santos E, Santos EM, Sarazin F, Sarkar B, Sarmento R, Sato R, Scharf N, Scherini V, Schieler H, Schiffer P, Schmidt D, Scholten O, Schoorlemmer H, Schovanek P, Schulz A, Schulz J, Schumacher J, Sciutto SJ, Segreto A, Settimo M, Shadkam A, Shellard RC, Sidelnik I, Sigl G, Sima O, Smialkowski A, Smida R, Snow GR, Sommers P, Sorokin J, Squartini R, Srivastava YN, Stanic S, Stapleton J, Stasielak J, Stephan M, Stutz A, Suarez F, Suomijaervi T, Supanitsky AD, Sutherland MS, Swain J, Szadkowski Z, Szuba M, Taborda OA, Tapia A, Tartare M, Tepe A, Theodoro VM, Timmermans C, Todero Peixoto CJ, Toma G, Tomankova L, Tome B, Tonachini A, Torralba Elipe G, Torres Machado D, Travnicek P, Trovato E, Tueros M, Ulrich R, Unger M, Urban M, Valdes Galicia JF, Valino I, Valore L, Van Aar G, Van Bodegom P, Van Den Berg AM, Van Velzen S, Van Vliet A, Varela E, Vargas Cardenas B, Varner G, Vazquez JR, Vazquez RA, Veberic D, Verzi V, Vicha J, Videla M, Villasenor L, Vlcek B, Vorobiov S, Wahlberg H, Wainberg O, Walz D, Watson AA, Weber M, Weidenhaupt K, Weindl A, Werner F, Widom A, Wiencke L, Wilczynska B, Wilczynski H, Will M, Williams C, Winchen T, Wittkowski D, Wundheiler B, Wykes S, Yamamoto T, Yapici T, Yuan G, Yushkov A, Zamorano B, Zas E, Zavrtanik D, Zavrtanik M, Zaw I, Zepeda A, Zhou J, Zhu Y, Zimbres Silva M, Ziolkowski M, Zuccarello F (2014)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2014



Book Volume: 90

Article Number: ARTN 122006

Journal Issue: 12

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.122006


Using the data taken at the Pierre Auger Observatory between December 2004 and December 2012, we have examined the implications of the distributions of depths of atmospheric shower maximum (X-max), using a hybrid technique, for composition and hadronic interaction models. We do this by fitting the distributions with predictions from a variety of hadronic interaction models for variations in the composition of the primary cosmic rays and examining the quality of the fit. Regardless of what interaction model is assumed, we find that our data are not well described by a mix of protons and iron nuclei over most of the energy range. Acceptable fits can be obtained when intermediate masses are included, and when this is done consistent results for the proton and iron-nuclei contributions can be found using the available models. We observe a strong energy dependence of the resulting proton fractions, and find no support from any of the models for a significant contribution from iron nuclei. However, we also observe a significant disagreement between the models with respect to the relative contributions of the intermediate components.

How to cite


Aab, A., Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Ahn, E.J., Al Samarai, I., Albuquerque, I.F.M.,... Zuccarello, F. (2014). Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. II. Composition implications. Physical Review D, 90(12).


Aab, A., et al. "Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. II. Composition implications." Physical Review D 90.12 (2014).

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