Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. I. Measurements at energies above 10(17.8) eV

Aab A, Abreu P, Aglietta M, Ahn EJ, Al Samarai I, Albuquerque IFM, Allekotte I, Allen J, Allison P, Almela A, Alvarez Castillo J, Alvarez-Muniz J, Batista RA, Ambrosio M, Aminaei A, Anchordoqui L, Andringa S, Aramo C, Aranda VM, Arqueros F, Asorey H, Assis PJS, Aublin J, Ave M, Avenier M, Avila G, Awal N, Badescu AM, Barber KB, Baeuml J, Baus C, Beatty JJ, Becker KH, Bellido JA, Berat C, Bertaina ME, Bertou X, Biermann PL, Billoir P, Blaess S, Blanco M, Bleve C, Bluemer H, Bohacova M, Boncioli D, Bonifazi C, Bonino R, Borodai N, Brack J, Brancus I, Bridgeman A, Brogueira P, Brown WC, Buchholz P, Bueno A, Buitink S, Buscemi M, Caballero-Mora KS, Caccianiga B, Caccianiga L, Candusso M, Caramete L, Caruso R, Castellina A, Cataldi G, Cazon L, Cester R, Chavez AG, Chiavassa A, Chinellato JA, Chudoba J, Cilmo M, Clay RW, Cocciolo G, Colalillo R, Coleman A, Collica L, Coluccia MR, Conceicao R, Contreras F, Cooper MJ, Cordier A, Coutu S, Covault CE, Cronin J, Curutiu A, Dallier R, Daniel B, Dasso S, Daumiller K, Dawson BR, De Almeida RM, De Domenico M, De Jong SJ, De Mello Neto JRT, De Mitri I, De Oliveira J, De Souza V, Del Peral L, Deligny O, Dembinski H, Dhital N, Di Giulio C, Di Matteo A, Diaz JC, Diaz Castro ML, Diogo F, Dobrigkeit C, Docters W, D'Olivo JC, Dorofeev A, Hasankiadeh QD, Dova MT, Ebr J, Engel R, Erdmann M, Erfani M, Escobar CO, Espadanal J, Etchegoyen A, Luis PFS, Falcke H, Fang K, Farrar G, Fauth AC, Fazzini N, Ferguson AP, Fernandes M, Fick B, Figueira JM, Filevich A, Filipcic A, Fox BD, Fratu O, Froehlich U, Fuchs B, Fujii T, Gaior R, Garcia B, Garcia Roca ST, Garcia-Gamez D, Garcia-Pinto D, Garilli G, Gascon Bravo A, Gate F, Gemmeke H, Ghia PL, Giaccari U, Giammarchi M, Giller M, Glaser C, Glass H, Gomez Berisso M, Gomez Vitale PF, Goncalves P, Gonzalez JG, Gonzalez N, Gookin B, Gordon J, Gorgi A, Gorham P, Gouffon P, Grebe S, Griffith N, Grillo AF, Grubb TD, Guarino F, Guedes GP, Hampel MR, Hansen P, Harari D, Harrison TA, Hartmann S, Harton JL, Haungs A, Hebbeker T, Heck D, Heimann P, Herve AE, Hill GC, Hojvat C, Hollon N, Holt E, Homola P, Hoerandel JR, Horvath P, Hrabovsky M, Huber D, Huege T, Insolia A, Isar PG, Jandt I, Jansen S, Jarne C, Josebachuili M, Kaeaepae A, Kambeitz O, Kampert KH, Kasper P, Katkov I, Kegl B, Keilhauer B, Keivani A, Kemp E, Kieckhafer RM, Klages HO, Kleifges M, Kleinfeller J, Krause R, Krohm N, Kroemer O, Kruppke-Hansen D, Kuempel D, Kunka N, Lahurd D, Latronico L, Lauer R, Lauscher M, Lautridou P, Le Coz S, Leao MSAB, Lebrun D, Lebrun P, Leigui De Oliveira MA, Letessier-Selvon A, Lhenry-Yvon I, Link K, Lopez R, Lopez Agueera A, Louedec K, Lozano Bahilo J, Lu L, Lucero A, Ludwig M, Malacari M, Maldera S, Mallamaci M, Maller J, Mandat D, Mantsch P, Mariazzi AG, Marin V, Maris IC, Marsella G, Martello D, Martin L, Martinez H, Martinez Bravo O, Martraire D, Masias Meza JJ, Mathes HJ, Mathys S, Matthews J, Matthews JAJ, Matthiae G, Maurel D, Maurizio D, Mayotte E, Mazur PO, Medina C, Medina-Tanco G, Meissner R, Melissas M, Melo D, Menshikov A, Messina S, Meyhandan R, Micanovic S, Micheletti MI, Middendorf L, Minaya IA, Miramonti L, Mitrica B, Molina-Bueno L, Mollerach S, Monasor M, Ragaigne DM, Montanet F, Morello C, Mostafa M, Moura CA, Muller MA, Mueller G, Mueller S, Muenchmeyer M, Mussa R, Navarra G, Navas S, Necesal P, Nellen L, Nelles A, Neuser J, Nguyen P, Niechciol M, Niemietz L, Niggemann T, Nitz D, Nosek D, Novotny V, Nozka L, Ochilo L, Olinto A, Oliveira M, Pacheco N, Pakk Selmi-Dei D, Palatka M, Pallotta J, Palmieri N, Papenbreer P, Parente G, Parra A, Paul T, Pech M, Pekala J, Pelayo R, Pepe IM, Perrone L, Petermann E, Peters C, Petrera S, Petrov Y, Phuntsok J, Piegaia R, Pierog T, Pieroni P, Pimenta M, Pirronello V, Platino M, Plum M, Porcelli A, Porowski C, Prado RR, Privitera P, Prouza M, Purrello VH, Quel EJ, Querchfeld S, Quinn S, Rautenberg J, Ravel O, Ravignani D, Revenu B, Ridky J, Riggi S, Risse M, Ristori P, Rizi V, Rodrigues De Carvalho W, Rodriguez Cabo I, Rodriguez Fernandez G, Rodriguez Rojo J, Rodriguez-Frias MD, Rogozin D, Ros G, Rosado J, Rossler T, Roth M, Roulet E, Rovero AC, Saffi SJ, Saftoiu A, Salamida F, Salazar H, Saleh A, Greus FS, Salina G, Sanchez F, Sanchez-Lucas P, Santo CE, Santos EM, Santos EM, Sarazin F, Sarkar B, Sarmento R, Sato R, Scharf N, Scherini V, Schieler H, Schiffer P, Schmidt D, Scholten O, Schoorlemmer H, Schovanek P, Schulz A, Schulz J, Schumacher J, Sciutto SJ, Segreto A, Settimo M, Shadkam A, Shellard RC, Sidelnik I, Sigl G, Sima O, Smialkowski A, Smida R, Snow GR, Sommers P, Sorokin J, Squartini R, Srivastava YN, Stanic S, Stapleton J, Stasielak J, Stephan M, Stutz A, Suarez F, Suomijaervi T, Supanitsky AD, Sutherland MS, Swain J, Szadkowski Z, Szuba M, Taborda OA, Tapia A, Tartare M, Tepe A, Theodoro VM, Timmermans C, Peixoto CJT, Toma G, Tomankova L, Tome B, Tonachini A, Torralba Elipe G, Torres Machado D, Travnicek P, Trovato E, Tueros M, Ulrich R, Unger M, Urban M, Valdes Galicia JF, Valino I, Valore L, Van Aar G, Van Bodegom P, Van Den Berg AM, Van Velzen S, Van Vliet A, Varela E, Vargas Cardenas B, Varner G, Vazquez JR, Vazquez RA, Veberic D, Verzi V, Vicha J, Videla M, Villasenor L, Vlcek B, Vorobiov S, Wahlberg H, Wainberg O, Walz D, Watson AA, Weber M, Weidenhaupt K, Weindl A, Werner F, Widom A, Wiencke L, Wilczynska B, Wilczynski H, Will M, Williams C, Winchen T, Wittkowski D, Wundheiler B, Wykes S, Yamamoto T, Yapici T, Yuan G, Yushkov A, Zamorano B, Zas E, Zavrtanik D, Zavrtanik M, Zaw I, Zepeda A, Zhou J, Zhu Y, Zimbres Silva M, Ziolkowski M, Zuccarello F (2014)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2014



Book Volume: 90

Article Number: UNSP 122005

Journal Issue: 12

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.90.122005


We report a study of the distributions of the depth of maximum, X-max, of extensive air-shower profiles with energies above 10(17.8) eV as observed with the fluorescence telescopes of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The analysis method for selecting a data sample with minimal sampling bias is described in detail as well as the experimental cross-checks and systematic uncertainties. Furthermore, we discuss the detector acceptance and the resolution of the X-max measurement and provide parametrizations thereof as a function of energy. The energy dependence of the mean and standard deviation of the X-max distributions are compared to air-shower simulations for different nuclear primaries and interpreted in terms of the mean and variance of the logarithmic mass distribution at the top of the atmosphere.

How to cite


Aab, A., Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Ahn, E.J., Al Samarai, I., Albuquerque, I.F.M.,... Zuccarello, F. (2014). Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. I. Measurements at energies above 10(17.8) eV. Physical Review D, 90(12).


Aab, A., et al. "Depth of maximum of air-shower profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory. I. Measurements at energies above 10(17.8) eV." Physical Review D 90.12 (2014).

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