Antennas for the detection of radio emission pulses from cosmic-ray induced air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory

Walther M, Abreu P, Aglietta M, Ahlers M, Ahn EJ, Albuquerque IFM, Allard D, Allekotte I, Allen J, Allison P, Almela A, Alvarez Castillo J, Alvarez-Muñiz J, Alves Batista R, Ambrosio M, Aminaei A, Anchordoqui L, Andringa S, Anticic T, Aramo C, Arganda E, Arqueros F, Asorey H, Assis PJS, Aublin J, Ave M, Avenier M, Avila G, Badescu AM, Balzer M, Barber KB, Barbosa AF, Bardenet R, Barroso SLC, Baughman B, Baeuml J, Baus C, Beatty JJ, Becker KH, Belletoile A, Bellido JA, Benzvi S, Berat C, Bertou X, Biermann PL, Billoir P, Blanco F, Blanco M, Bleve C, Bluemer H, Bohacova M, Boncioli D, Bonifazi C, Bonino R, Borodai N, Brack J, Brancus I, Brogueira P, Brown C, Bruijn R, Buchholz P, Bueno A, Buroker L, Burton RE, Caballero-Mora KS, Caccianiga B, Caramete L, Caruso R, Castellina A, Catalano O, Cataldi G, Cazon L, Cester R, Chauvin J, Cheng SH, Chiavassa A, Chinellato JA, Diaz JC, Chudoba J, Cilmo M, Clay RW, Cocciolo G, Collica L, Coluccia MR, Conceicao R, Contreras F, Cook H, Cooper MJ, Coppens J, Cordier A, Coutu S, Covault CE, Creusot A, Criss A, Cronin J, Curutiu A, Dagoret-Campagne S, Dallier R, Daniel B, Dasso S, Daumiller K, Dawson BR, De Almeida RM, De Domenico M, De Donato C, De Jong SJ, De La Vega G, De Mello Junior WJM, De Mello Neto JRT, De Mitri I, De Souza V, De Vries KD, Del Peral L, Del Rio M, Deligny O, Dembinski H, Dhital N, Di Giulio C, Diaz Castro ML, Diep PN, Diogo F, Dobrigkeit C, Docters W, D'Olivo JC, Dong PN, Dorofeev A, Dos Anjos JC, Dova MT, D'Urso D, Dutan I, Ebr J, Engel R, Erdmann M, Escobar CO, Espadanal J, Etchegoyen A, San Luis PF, Falcke H, Farrar G, Fauth AC, Fazzini N, Ferguson AP, Fick B, Figueira JM, Filevich A, Filipcic A, Fliescher S, Fracchiolla CE, Fraenkel ED, Fratu O, Froehlich U, Fuchs B, Gaior R, Gamarra RF, Gambetta S, Garcia B, Garcia Roca ST, Garcia-Gamez D, Garcia-Pinto D, Gascon Bravo A, Gemmeke H, Ghia PL, Giller M, Gitto J, Glass H, Gold MS, Golup G, Gomez Albarracin F, Gomez Berisso M, Gomez Vitale PF, Goncalves P, Gonzalez JG, Gookin B, Gorgi A, Gouffon P, Grashorn E, Grebe S, Griffith N, Grigat M, Grillo AF, Guardincerri Y, Guarino F, Guedes GP, Hansen P, Harari D, Harrison TA, Harton JL, Haungs A, Hebbeker T, Heck D, Herve AE, Hojvat C, Hollon N, Holmes VC, Homola P, Hörandel JR, Horvath P, Hrabovsky M, Huber D, Huege T, Insolia A, Ionita F, Italiano A, Jansen S, Jarne C, Jiraskova S, Josebachuili M, Kadija K, Kampert KH, Karhan P, Kasper P, Katkov I, Kegl B, Keilhauer B, Keivani A, Kelley JL, Kemp E, Kieckhafer RM, Klages HO, Kleifges M, Kleinfeller J, Knapp J, Koang DH, Kotera K, Krohm N, Kroemer O, Kruppke-Hansen D, Kuempel D, Kulbartz JK, Kunka N, La Rosa G, Lachaud C, Lahurd D, Latronico L, Lauer R, Lautridou P, Le Coz S, Leao MSAB, Lebrun D, Lebrun P, Leigui De Oliveira MA, Letessier-Selvon A, Lhenry-Yvon I, Link K, Lopez R, Lopez Agueera A, Louedec K, Lozano Bahilo J, Lu L, Lucero A, Ludwig M, Lyberis H, Maccarone MC, Macolino C, Maldera S, Maller J, Mandat D, Mantsch P, Mariazzi AG, Marin J, Marin V, Maris IC, Marquez Falcon HR, Marsella G, Martello D, Martin L, Martinez H, Martinez Bravo O, Martraire D, Masias Meza JJ, Mathes HJ, Matthews J, Matthews JAJ, Matthiae G, Maurel D, Maurizio D, Mazur PO, Medina-Tanco G, Melissas M, Melo D, Menichetti E, Menshikov A, Mertsch P, Meurer C, Meyhandan R, Micanovic S, Micheletti MI, Minaya IA, Miramonti L, Molina-Bueno L, Mollerach S, Monasor M, Ragaigne DM, Montanet F, Morales B, Morello C, Moreno E, Moreno JC, Mostafa M, Moura CA, Muller MA, Mueller G, Muenchmeyer M, Mussa R, Navarra G, Navarro JL, Navas S, Necesal P, Nellen L, Nelles A, Neuser J, Nhung PT, Niechciol M, Niemietz L, Nierstenhoefer N, Nitz D, Nosek D, Nozka L, Oehlschlaeger J, Olinto A, Ortiz M, Pacheco N, Pakk Selmi-Dei D, Palatka M, Pallotta J, Palmieri N, Parente G, Parizot E, Parra A, Pastor S, Paul T, Pech M, Pekala J, Pelayo R, Pepe IM, Perrone L, Pesce R, Petermann E, Petrera S, Petrolini A, Petrov Y, Pfendner C, Piegaia R, Pierog T, Pieroni P, Pimenta M, Pirronello V, Platino M, Plum M, Ponce VH, Pontz M, Porcelli A, Privitera P, Prouza M, Quel EJ, Querchfeld S, Rautenberg J, Ravel O, Ravignani D, Revenu B, Ridky J, Riggi S, Risse M, Ristori P, Rivera H, Rizi V, Roberts J, Rodrigues De Carvalho W, Rodriguez G, Rodriguez Cabo I, Rodriguez Martino J, Rodriguez Rojo J, Rodriguez-Frias MD, Ros G, Rosado J, Rossler T, Roth M, Rouille-D'Orfeuil B, Roulet E, Rovero AC, Ruehle C, Saftoiu A, Salamida F, Salazar H, Greus FS, Salina G, Sanchez F, Santo CE, Santos E, Santos EM, Sarazin F, Sarkar B, Sarkar S, Sato R, Scharf N, Scherini V, Schieler H, Schiffer P, Schmidt A, Scholten O, Schoorlemmer H, Schovancova J, Schovanek P, Schroeder F, Schulte S, Schuster D, Sciutto SJ, Scuderi M, Segreto A, Settimo M, Shadkam A, Shellard RC, Sidelnik I, Sigl G, Silva Lopez HH, Sima O, Smialkowski A, Smida R, Snow GR, Sommers P, Sorokin J, Spinka H, Squartini R, Srivastava YN, Stanic S, Stapleton J, Stasielak J, Stephan M, Stutz A, Suarez F, Suomijaervi T, Supanitsky AD, Susa T, Sutherland MS, Swain J, Szadkowski Z, Szuba M, Tapia A, Tartare M, Tascau O, Tcaciuc R, Thao NT, Thomas D, Tiffenberg J, Timmermans C, Tkaczyk W, Todero Peixoto CJ, Toma G, Tomankova L, Tome B, Tonachini A, Travnicek P, Tridapalli DB, Tristram G, Trovato E, Tueros M, Ulrich R, Unger M, Urban M, Valdes Galicia JF, Valino I, Valore L, Van Aar G, Van Den Berg AM, Van Vliet A, Varela E, Vargas Cardenas B, Vazquez JR, Vazquez RA, Veberic D, Verzi V, Vicha J, Videla M, Villasenor L, Wahlberg H, Wahrlich P, Wainberg O, Walz D, Watson AA, Weber M, Weidenhaupt K, Weindl A, Werner F, Westerhoff S, Whelan BJ, Widom A, Wieczorek G, Wiencke L, Wilczynska B, Wilczynski H, Will M, Williams C, Winchen T, Wommer M, Wundheiler B, Yamamoto T, Yapici T, Younk P, Yuan G, Yushkov A, Zamorano Garcia B, Zas E, Zavrtanik D, Zavrtanik M, Zaw I, Zepeda A, Zhou J, Zhu Y, Zimbres Silva M, Ziolkowski M, Charrier D, Denis L, Hilgers G, Mohrmann L, Philipps B, Seeger O (2012)

Publication Status: Published

Publication Type: Journal article

Publication year: 2012



Book Volume: 7

Article Number: ARTN P10011

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/7/10/P10011


The Pierre Auger Observatory is exploring the potential of the radio detection technique to study extensive air showers induced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) addresses both technological and scientific aspects of the radio technique. A first phase of AERA has been operating since September 2010 with detector stations observing radio signals at frequencies between 30 and 80 MHz. In this paper we present comparative studies to identify and optimize the antenna design for the final configuration of AERA consisting of 160 individual radio detector stations. The transient nature of the air shower signal requires a detailed description of the antenna sensor. As the ultra-wideband reception of pulses is not widely discussed in antenna literature, we review the relevant antenna characteristics and enhance theoretical considerations towards the impulse response of antennas including polarization effects and multiple signal reflections. On the basis of the vector effective length we study the transient response characteristics of three candidate antennas in the time domain. Observing the variation of the continuous galactic background intensity we rank the antennas with respect to the noise level added to the galactic signal.

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How to cite


Walther, M., Abreu, P., Aglietta, M., Ahlers, M., Ahn, E.J., Albuquerque, I.F.M.,... Seeger, O. (2012). Antennas for the detection of radio emission pulses from cosmic-ray induced air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory. Journal of Instrumentation, 7.


Walther, Marcus, et al. "Antennas for the detection of radio emission pulses from cosmic-ray induced air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory." Journal of Instrumentation 7 (2012).

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