A case study on the influence of sorption inhomogeneities on the migration of contaminants

Lührmann L, Fein E, Knabner P (1998)

Publication Language: English

Publication Type: Book chapter / Article in edited volumes

Publication year: 1998

Publisher: INIS

Edited Volumes: Environmental Sciences (B3110)

Book Volume: 29

Pages Range: 317-326

ISBN: 92-64-16099-X

URI: https://www1.am.uni-erlangen.de/research/publications/Jahr_1997/1997_LuehrmannFeinKn_CaseStudyOnTheInfluenOfSorptInhomogenOnMigrationOfContaminants


A two-dimensional numerical test case study was performed in order to investigate the influence of sorption inhomogeneities on the migration behaviour of contaminants. The sorption processes are modelled with a nonlinear kinetic-Freundlich reaction. Thereby a kinetic approach of first order is supposed. In a first test case homogeneous sorption parameters are used, and in a second case the transport path is divided into regions of low and high sorption. For the latter the numerical solution using the TRAPIC code requires a finer discretization in the region of the sorption inhomogeneities. The nonlinearities caused by the kinetic-Freundlich reaction are resolved using Newton's method. Besides the well known retardation of the contaminants caused by sorption processes the simulations yield the following results: The distribution of the concentration of the sorbed contaminants is discontinuous in the region of the sorption inhomogeneities. The nonlinear behaviour of the kinetic-Freundlich reaction counteracts the spreading effects of the contaminant caused by the diffusive and dispersive transport.

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How to cite


Lührmann, L., Fein, E., & Knabner, P. (1998). A case study on the influence of sorption inhomogeneities on the migration of contaminants. In Environmental Sciences (B3110). (pp. 317-326). INIS.


Lührmann, Ludger, Eckhard Fein, and Peter Knabner. "A case study on the influence of sorption inhomogeneities on the migration of contaminants." Environmental Sciences (B3110). INIS, 1998. 317-326.

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