Tanabashi M, Hagiwara K, Hikasa K, Nakamura K, Sumino Y, Takahashi F, Tanaka J, Agashe K, Aielli G, Amsler C, Antonelli M, Asner DM, Baer H, Banerjee S, Barnett RM, Basaglia T, Bauer CW, Beatty JJ, Belousov VI, Beringer J, Bethke S, Bettini A, Bichsel H, Biebel O, Black KM, Blucher E, Buchmuller O, Burkert V, Bychkov MA, Cahn RN, Carena M, Ceccucci A, Cerri A, Chakraborty D, Chen MC, Chivukula RS, Cowan G, Dahl O, D'Ambrosio G, Damour T, De Florian D, De Gouvea A, Degrand T, De Jong P, Dissertori G, Dobrescu BA, D'Onofrio M, Doser M, Drees M, Dreiner HK, Dwyer DA, Eerola P, Eidelman S, Ellis J, Erler J, Ezhela VV, Fetscher W, Fields BD, Firestone R, Foster B, Freitas A, Gallagher H, Garren L, Gerber HJ, Gerbier G, Gershon T, Gershtein Y, Gherghetta T, Godizov AA, Goodman M, Grab C, Gritsan AV, Grojean C, Groom DE, Grunewald M, Gurtu A, Gutsche T, Haber HE, Hanhart C, Hashimoto S, Hayato Y, Hayes KG, Hebecker A, Heinemeyer S, Heltsley B, Hernandez-Rey JJ, Hisano J, Hocker A, Holder J, Holtkamp A, Hyodo T, Irwin KD, Johnson KF, Kado M, Karliner M, Katz U, Klein SR, Klempt E, Kowalewski RV, Krauss F, Kreps M, Krusche B, Kuyanov YV, Kwon Y, Lahav O, Laiho J, Lesgourgues J, Liddle A, Ligeti Z, Lin CJ, Lippmann C, Liss TM, Littenberg L, Lugovsky KS, Lugovsky SB, Lusiani A, Makida Y, Maltoni F, Mannel T, Manohar AV, Marciano WJ, Martin AD, Masoni A, Matthews J, Meissner UG, Milstead D, Mitche RE, Moenig K, Molaro P, Moortgat F, Moskovic M, Murayama H, Narain M, Nason P, Navas S, Neubert M, Nevski P, Nir Y, Olive KA, Griso SP, Parsons J, Patrignani C, Peacock JA, Pennington M, Petcov ST, Petrov VA, Pianori E, Piepke A, Pomarol A, Quadt A, Rademacker J, Raffelt G, Ratcliff BN, Richardson P, Ringwald A, Roesler S, Rolli S, Romaniouk A, Rosenberg LJ, Rosner JL, Rybka G, Ryutin RA, Sachrajda CT, Sakai Y, Salam GP, Sarkar S, Sauli F, Schneider O, Scholberg K, Schwartz AJ, Scott D, Sharma V, Sharpe SR, Shutt T, Silari M, Sjostrand T, Skands P, Skwarnicki T, Smith JG, Smoot GF, Spanier S, Spieler H, Spiering C, Stah A, Stone SL, Sumiyoshi T, Syphers MJ, Terashi K, Terning J, Thoma U, Thorne RS, Tiator L, Titov M, Tkachenko NP, Tornqvist NA, Tovey DR, Valencia G, Van De Water R, Varelas N, Venanzoni G, Verde L, Vincter MG, Voge P, Vogt A, Wakely SP, Walkowiak W, Walter CW, Wands D, Ward DR, Wascko MO, Weiglein G, Weinberg DH, Weinberg EJ, White M, Wiencke LR, Willocq S, Woh CC, Womersley J, Woody CL, Workman RL, Yao WM, Zeller GP, Zenin OV, Zhu RY, Zhu SL, Zimmermann F, Zyla PA, Anderson J, Fuller L, Lugovsky VS, Schaffner P (2018)

Publication Type: Journal article, Review article

Publication year: 2018


Book Volume: 98

Journal Issue: 3

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.030001


The Review summarizes much of particle physics and cosmology. Using data from previous editions, plus 2,873 new measurements from 758 papers, we list, evaluate, and average measured properties of gauge bosons and the recently discovered Higgs boson, leptons, quarks, mesons, and baryons. We summarize searches for hypothetical particles such as supersymmetric particles, heavy bosons, axions, dark photons, etc. Particle properties and search limits are listed in Summary Tables. We give numerous tables, figures, formulae, and reviews of topics such as Higgs Boson Physics, Supersymmetry, Grand Unified Theories, Neutrino Mixing, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Cosmology, Particle Detectors, Colliders, Probability and Statistics. Among the 118 reviews are many that are new or heavily revised, including a new review on Neutrinos in Cosmology.

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How to cite


Tanabashi, M., Hagiwara, K., Hikasa, K., Nakamura, K., Sumino, Y., Takahashi, F.,... Schaffner, P. (2018). REVIEW OF PARTICLE PHYSICS Particle Data Group. Physical Review D, 98(3).


Tanabashi, M., et al. "REVIEW OF PARTICLE PHYSICS Particle Data Group." Physical Review D 98.3 (2018).

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