"With Malice Toward None" to "A House Divided": The Impact of Changing Perceptions of Ritual and Sincerity on Elite Social Cohesion and Political Culture in Northern Song China, 1027-1067

Kroher M (2014)

Publication Type: Thesis

Publication year: 2014

Publisher: Harvard University

URI: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:13067681

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How to cite


Kroher, M. (2014). "With Malice Toward None" to "A House Divided": The Impact of Changing Perceptions of Ritual and Sincerity on Elite Social Cohesion and Political Culture in Northern Song China, 1027-1067 (Dissertation).


Kroher, Martin. "With Malice Toward None" to "A House Divided": The Impact of Changing Perceptions of Ritual and Sincerity on Elite Social Cohesion and Political Culture in Northern Song China, 1027-1067. Dissertation, Harvard University, 2014.

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