The coupled branching process in random environment

Greven A (1985)

Publication Type: Other publication type

Publication year: 1985


Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)

Book Volume: 13

Pages Range: 1133-1147

Journal Issue: 4


We consider a Markov process (rq ),eR + on (N)s (S= Z- ) with initial
distribution [ and the following time evolution: At rate bEyq(y, x)(y) a
particle is born at site x; at rate dr(x) a particle dies at site x. All particles
perform independent from each other continuous time random walk with
kernel p(x, y) and rate m. All particles at a site x die at rate D(x). Here
D(x) are random variables taking the values DI, D2 .(D2 2 DI O). We
assume {D(x)}Jx es to be stationary and ergodic. This paper studies the
features of the model for p(x, y), q(x, y) symmetric.
We calculate the exponential growth rate X of E(, q(x)) (with E denoting
conditional expectation with respect to the environment) and show that X is
nonrandom and strictly bigger than b - d - E(D(x)), if D2 > DI. We have
X = b - d - DI.
Introduce the process ( R )tER+ by setting it (x) (E(?t(x))) ? (x). A
critical phenomenon with respect to the parameter p = DI(d + ED(x))l
occurs in the sense that for p > p(2) the quantity E(g(x))2 grows exponen-
tially fast, while for p < p(2), X > 0 the exponential growth rate of E(nt(x))2
is 0. p(2) is the same as for a system with D(x) - DI and can be calculated

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How to cite


Greven, A. (1985). The coupled branching process in random environment. Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS).


Greven, Andreas. The coupled branching process in random environment. Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), 1985.

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