Deciphering LIN28B as a biomarker in squamous cell lung carcinomas for treatment with PD-1/PD-L1 signaling blockade and evaluating combined anti-VEGFR2 with PD-1/PD-L1 signaling lockade as a novel therapy option

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.12.2021

End date : 30.11.2024

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The RNA-binding protein LIN28B has been identified as an independent marker of worse prognosis in different tumor entities including lung adenocarcinoma, however its role in squamous cell lung cancer is still elusive. Due to still limited therpeutic options of targeted therapies for squamous cell lung cancer patient, we aim to define the role of LIN28B as new biomarker for patient stratification. Moreover, we aim to unravel the LIN28B dependent pathways regulating tumor development, progression and immune escape in squamous cell lung cancer.


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