Valuing All Languages to Unlock Europe (VALUE)

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project

Acronym: VALUE

Start date : 01.11.2015

End date : 31.10.2017


Project details

Short description

VALUE is a project for supporting schools to improve their educational processes and outcomes, through the use of multilingual practices. It is funded by the European Commission and it will be completed in 2017. VALUE offers a toolkit and resources for adding value to multilingualism in formal education.

Specifically, VALUE will provide learners in schools with tools and methods to use both the language of instructions and the language of origin at different levels of competences. The methodologies, tools and practices (innovative interactive teaching techniques, ICT, digital storytelling) will be incorporated in schools' programs to improve access and quality of education in relation to the diversity in schools. The open, interactive platform will be available to a wide range of organizations across the EU to embed and use.

Scientific Abstract

VALUE is an EU project that aims to support schools in improving educational processes and outcomes through the use of multilingual exercises. VALUE offers tools and resources to create added value from multilingualism in education. The project provides methods and tools for teachers to appreciate and promote both the application language and the language of origin at different levels of competence.

All methods, tools and exercises (teaching techniques, multimedia tools, storytelling approaches, intercultural approaches) can be freely used by teachers in everyday school life in order to improve the access to and the quality of education with regard to diversity in schools. The result is an open and interactive platform that is freely available to teachers, schools and other organizations in the education sector throughout the EU and invites them to exchange ideas.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source