Highly efficient and trustworthy components and systems for the next generation energy supply infrastructure (Progressus)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: Progressus

Start date : 01.04.2020

End date : 31.03.2023

Website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/876868

Overall project details

Overall project


Project details

Scientific Abstract

The high-power requirements of ultra-fast charging stations give rise to special challenges when designing smart charging infrastructure. In support of Europe’s 2030 climate targets, the EU-funded PROGRESSUS project aims to introduce a next-generation smart grid demonstrated by the application example of a smart charging infrastructure integrating seamlessly into current smart-grid architecture concepts. To do so, it will research new efficient high-power converters that support bidirectional power flow. New DC microgrid management strategies for energy efficiency and service provision that consider renewable energy sources, storage and flexible loads will be investigated. It will also explore novel sensor types, inexpensive high-bandwidth communication technologies and security measures based on hardware security modules and blockchain technology to protect communication and services. The project’s solution will promote a more environmentally friendly and efficient next-generation energy supply infrastructure.


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