Sino-German Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.01.2020

End date : 31.12.2022

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The project entitled “Sino-German Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development” aims to shed light on social and environmental responsibilities of Chinese and German multinational companies. This topic is investigated from the perspectives of three main actors in the global market, namely public institutions, private organizations and individuals. Through joint research and scientific exchange between project members at different career stages (professors, post-docs, and PhD candidates), this project aims to contribute to Sino-German research from a management and policy perspective. The Chinese team consists of Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, NSFC Excellence Youth Scholar, Lindau Program Fellow, while the German team has been funded by SGC before to host a joint Doctoral Colloquium with the Chinese applicants. The goal is to enhance our understanding of multinational corporations as corporate citizens in a Sino-German context by focusing on data-driven empirical analyses and qualitative approaches. This will lead to a joint publication strategy to create a sustainable impact in the research field. Furthermore, cooperation shall be enabled and facilitated by exchange research visits.


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