Intelligent Knowledge Platform for Personal Health Monitoring Services (eHealthMonitor)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: eHealthMonitor

Start date : 01.12.2011

End date : 30.11.2014

Overall project details

Overall project


Project details

Scientific Abstract

The European society is characterised by high costs for its health system and a shrinking work force due to health reasons and an aging population. These aspects put an enormous pressure on the economy and the social system. Personal lifestyle and environmental impact factors are the most significant risk factors influencing health status. The fragmentation of knowledge about personal risk factors hinders the assessment of disease risks. In order to decide on preventive or therapeutic actions, physicians are required to obtain all relevant user-individual knowledge. Relevant knowledge sources include health records, patient records, databases on environmental information, wearable or portable devices for health monitoring, and common ubiquitous internet services (including user generated information). We study this problem from the perspective of knowledge-based coordination. The rationale is making service network structures partly transparent to decision makers (i.e., medical professionals and users) and provide them with means for flexible configuration. For example, user-generated policies enable control of personal health data utilization for service provision. The main goal of the eHealthMonitor project is to provide a platform that generates a Personal eHealth Knowledge Space (PeKS) as an aggregation of all knowledge sources (e.g., EHR and PHR) relevant for the provision of individual personal eHealth services. The main goal is addressed by following objectives: Development of a platform for individualized personal healthcare servicesAcquisition of distributed knowledge from heterogeneous sources providing ability to respond to rapidly evolving conditionsDesign distributed knowledge sharing methods which consider privacy protection requirementsDevelop eHealth services supporting cooperation of all stakeholders in the decision making process.Evaluate the results both in the hospital/treatment and prevention scenarios


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