Research Services Agreement

Third party funded individual grant

Start date : 01.01.2010

End date : 31.12.2010

Project details

Scientific Abstract

The aim of this document is to describe the final goals of the different research topics investigated within this research contract. These final targets represent very optimistic and partly far fetched aims within power electronics research and might not be reached within the envisaged time frame. However, these visions will keep the research project on the focus of the future needs. Of course there exists the need for a more realistic shorter term planning. This planning will be done and monitored during the regular research meetings. The progress as well as the next steps will be documented in the written minutes of the regular reviews. In the following, the final, optimistic targets for parts of the research contract will be given. Additionally, a first optimistic time planning is added for each of the three projects as well. This time planning allows a simpler tracking of the project progress during the regular review meetings. During the reviews the time schedule will be adapted on the one hand by the obtained results but on the other hand due to the encountered problems.


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