Prof. Dr. Simon Hammann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Can the AI tools ChatGPT and Bard generate energy, macro- and micro-nutrient sufficient meal plans for different dietary patterns? (2024) Hieronimus B, Hammann S, Podszun MC Journal article ‘Old food, new methods’: recent developments in lipid analysis for ancient foodstuffs (2024) Vykukal R, Gabiger A, Cramp LJ, Hammann S Journal article, Review article Testing sample selection criteria and loss of biomarkers during cleaning of archaeological unglazed pottery to maximize organic residue quantities (2024) Janzen G, Formberg J, Braun A, Hammann S, Hornung S, Fiedler S Journal article Biomolecular characterization of 3500-year-old ancient Egyptian mummification balms from the Valley of the Kings (2023) Huber B, Hammann S, Loeben CE, Jha DK, Vassão DG, Larsen T, Spengler RN, et al. Journal article Determination of Polar Lipids in Wheat and Oat by a Complementary Approach of Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography and Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Hyphenated with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (2023) Schneider S, Hammann S, Hayen H Journal article An overview of food lipids toward food lipidomics (2023) Tietel Z, Hammann S, Meckelmann SW, Ziv C, Pauling JK, Wölk M, Würf V, et al. Journal article, Review article Quantitative analysis of fatty acids and vitamin E and total lipid profiling of dietary supplements from the German market (2023) Zartmann A, Völcker L, Hammann S Journal article Neolithic culinary traditions revealed by cereal, milk and meat lipids in pottery from Scottish crannogs (2022) Hammann S, Bishop RR, Copper M, Garrow D, Greenwood C, Hewson L, Sheridan A, et al. Journal article A call for caution in the analysis of lipids and other small biomolecules from archaeological contexts (2021) Whelton H, Hammann S, Cramp LJ, Dunne J, Roffet-Salque M, Evershed RP Journal article, Original article Countercurrent Chromatography—When Liquid-Liquid Extraction Meets Chromatography (2020) Vetter W, Müller M, Englert M, Hammann S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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