Jeremy DeWaal

Picture of Jeremy DeWaal


Activity types

Membership in Science Council
Membership in FAU-internal representative bodies
Membership in DFG-Subject field
Organisation of a congress/conference/exhibition
Editorship of a scientific journal or series
Expert for funding organisation
Expert for reviewing scientific journal
Other external expert activity
Other external activity
Group SVG “The Postwar Reformulation of Hanseatic Identities in Hamburg, Lübeck, and Bremen, 1945-1965,” Hansische Identitäten, E.M.A. Universität Greifswald, March 2015. Hansische Identitäten 05.03.2015 Group SVG “Regions as Redemptive Postwar Geographies: Democratization and the Spatial Imaginary in the German Southwest, 1945-1965,” Borders and Spaces in Modern German History, Technische Universität Berlin, January 2015. Borders and Spaces in Modern German History 07.01.2015 Group SVG “The Home Town as a Redemptive Postwar Geography: The Case of Cologne, 1945-1965,” American Historical Association Conference, January 2015. American Historical Association Conference 03.01.2015 Group SVG “Heimat as a Redemptive Postwar Geography: Democratization and the Spatial Imaginary in the German Southwest, 1945-1965," German Studies Association, September 2014. German Studies Association 27.09.2014 Group SVG H-German (H-Net) Associate Editor 04.03.2014 Group SVG “The Turn to Local Communities in Early Postwar West Germany: The Case of Hamburg, Lübeck, and Bremen, 1945-1965,” (Re)constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968, Utrecht University, Nijmegen, Netherlands, December 2013. Reconstructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968 13.12.2013 Group SVG “The Local as a Redemptive Geography: Reconstruction in Postwar World War II Cologne,” Kolloquium für Zeitgeschichte, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, November 2013. Kolloquium für Zeitgeschichte, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 21.11.2013 Group SVG “Political Rally, Cultural Zoo, or Home town Reunion?: Expellee Tag der Heimat observances, 1950-1969,” German Studies Association, October 2013. German Studies Association 05.10.2013 Group SVG “Contested Re-enactments of Home: the Expellee ‘Day of Heimat’ 1950-1969,” Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging, Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, September 2013. Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging 19.09.2013 Group SVG “Heimat in the Rubble: Turning to Local Worlds–from the Rhine to the Elbe, 1945-1960,” Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar, German Historical Institute, Munich, June 2013. Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar, German Historical Institute 13.06.2013
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