Jeremy DeWaal

Picture of Jeremy DeWaal


Activity types

Membership in Science Council
Membership in FAU-internal representative bodies
Membership in DFG-Subject field
Organisation of a congress/conference/exhibition
Editorship of a scientific journal or series
Expert for funding organisation
Expert for reviewing scientific journal
Other external expert activity
Other external activity
Group SVG Conference Organizer, Berlin Program Workshop, FU Berlin, “Becoming TransGerman: Transnational, Transdisciplinary, Transgender, Transhuman,” 2016. Workshop Group SVG Berlin Program Workshop, Freie Universität Berlin, “Continuities and Ruptures: Reflections on Crucial Concepts,” 2017. Workshop Group SVG “Reinventing Joy: Carnival and Cultures of Feeling, 1400-1950,” German Studies Association, October 2017. German Studies Association 01.10.2017 Group SVG “An Archaeology of Joy: Carnival and Cultures of Feeling, 1750-1950,” Max Planck Institute for Human Development, History of Emotions, Colloquium of Ute Frevert, June 2017. Max Planck Institute for Human Development, History of Emotions, Colloquium of Ute Frevert 01.06.2017 Group SVG “Cosmopolitan Visions of Heimat in Postwar Germany,” German Studies Association of Australia, Canberra, December 2016. German Studies Association of Australia 06.12.2016 Group SVG “In Pursuit of Joy: A Carnivalistic Archaeology of Emotion,” International Conference on Contemporary and Historical Approaches to Emotions, Sydney, Australia, December 2016. International Conference on Contemporary and Historical Approaches to Emotions 01.12.2016 Group SVG “A Nation of ‘Heimat States’?: Anatomy of a Failed Federalist Vision, 1945-1955,” German Studies Association, September 2016. German Studies Association 24.09.2016 Group SVG “Redemptive Geographies: The Heimat Concept and Democracy in the Federal Republic, 1945-1980,” Colloquium zur Zeitgeschichte von Prof. Dr. Paul Nolte, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2016. Colloquium zur Zeitgeschichte von Prof. Dr. Paul Nolte, FU Berlin 03.05.2016 Group SVG “Heimat as a Redemptive Postwar Geography: Case Studies of Three West German Cities, 1945-1965,” German Studies Association, October 2015. German Studies Association 03.10.2015 Group SVG “The Politics of Lost Heimat: German Expellee Reunions and Contested Ideas of Home,” War and Population Movements, Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, April 2015. War and Population Movements 01.04.2015
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