Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marion Merklein


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

Zentrale Aufgaben, Koordination, Verwaltung (Z) TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - March 31, 2021 FE-based springback prediction of sheet metal forming processes from lightweight materials considering the anisotropic hardening Feb. 1, 2019 - Jan. 31, 2021 Improvement of the mapping accuracy in the material modeling by considering the yield locus under plane strain Jan. 1, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2020 Beam-based strategies for the production of property optimized Tailor Heat Treated Blanks Jan. 1, 2019 - Dec. 31, 2020 Numerical Simulation of Advanced Metal Forming Processes Multiscale Modelling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Jan. 1, 2016 - Dec. 31, 2020 Relevance analysis considering the kinematic hardening in deep drawing processes of closed profiles June 1, 2018 - Nov. 30, 2020 Improvement of formability of extruded aluminium profiles by a local short-term heat treatment Oct. 1, 2013 - Sept. 30, 2020 Laser implantation of press hardening tools to influence the tribological and thermal properties for the process application (DFG ME 2043/68-1) July 1, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2020 Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions SPP 1676: Nachhaltige Produktion durch Trockenbearbeitung in der Umformtechnik Oct. 1, 2015 - July 31, 2020 Improved characterization of failure behaviours of sheet metals based on pattern recognition methods April 1, 2017 - Dec. 31, 2019
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