Lehrstuhl für Endogene Geodynamik


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

Magmatic and hydrothermal prerequisites for porphyry-epithermal mineralisation in continental volcanic arcs, Thrace, NE Greece Sept. 1, 2020 - Aug. 31, 2023 Tellurium in natural and synthetic pyrite: Ore-formation and economic implication Jan. 15, 2020 - Jan. 14, 2023 Basalte und vulkanische Gläser (Marion-Rise) SO273 - MARION: ROV-Beprobung und Kartieren des Marion Rise am Südwest-Indischen-Rücken (SWIR) Nov. 1, 2019 - April 30, 2022 Formation and evolution of flood basalt magmas – combining geochemical data with the magnetic stratigraphy of the Deccan large igneous province March 1, 2020 - Feb. 28, 2022 Magmatic evolution of an oceanic island arc – The New Hebrides case Feb. 1, 2020 - Jan. 31, 2022 The origin of volcanic flux variations along Pacific hotspot tracks: Plume-lithosphere interaction vs. plume pulsations (SOPITA) June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2021 Magma formation and evolution in an oceanic island arc - back-arc system: a case study from the Tonga arc and Valu Fa Ridge Feb. 1, 2018 - Jan. 31, 2021 Durchführung von petrologischen und isotopengeochemischen Untersuchungen an basaltischen Gesteinen des zentralen und südostindischen Rückens, BGR-Lizenzgebiet (INDEX2019) (Vulkangestein) Aug. 13, 2019 - Sept. 30, 2020 Bildung, Transport und Entwicklung von Magmen in einem ozeanischen, ultralangsam spreizenden Rift July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020 Magmatic evolution of island arc and backarc crust and implications for hydrothermal venting in the NE Tonga arc (TONGARIFT) TONGARIFT Feb. 1, 2018 - March 31, 2020
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