npj Quantum Information

ISSN: 2056-6387
Publisher: Nature Research

Publications (10)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Polarization-entangled photons from a whispering gallery resonator (2024) Huang SH, Dirmeier T, Shafiee G, Laiho K, Strekalov DV, Leuchs G, Marquardt C Journal article Experimental simulation of loop quantum gravity on a photonic chip (2023) Van Der Meer R, Huang Z, Anguita MC, Qu D, Hooijschuur P, Liu H, Han M, et al. Journal article Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill qubit synthesizer for propagating light (2023) Takase K, Fuku K, Kawasaki A, Asavanant W, Endo M, Yoshikawa Ji, van Loock P, Furusawa A Journal article Coherence of a charge stabilised tin-vacancy spin in diamond (2022) Goerlitz J, Herrmann D, Fuchs P, Iwasaki T, Taniguchi T, Rogalla D, Hardeman D, et al. Journal article A variational toolbox for quantum multi-parameter estimation (2021) Meyer JJ, Borregaard J, Eisert J Journal article Overcoming detection loss and noise in squeezing-based optical sensing (2021) Frascella G, Agne S, Khalili FY, Chekhova M Journal article Quantum network routing and local complementation (2019) Hahn F, Pappa A, Eisen J Journal article Entanglement stabilization using ancilla-based parity detection and real-time feedback in superconducting circuits (2019) Andersen CK, Remrm A, Lazar S, Krinner S, Heinsoo J, Besse JC, Gabureac M, et al. Journal article Measuring holographic entanglement entropy on a quantum simulator (2019) Li K, Han M, Qu D, Huang Z, Long G, Wan Y, Lu D, et al. Journal article Charting the circuit QED design landscape using optimal control theory (2017) Goerz MH, Motzoi F, Whaley KB, Koch CP Journal article