Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

Journal Abbreviation: PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL
ISSN: 0031-0182
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (135)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Pennsylvanian of Southern Oklahoma (Upper Carboniferous, USA) - The Buckhorn Asphalt Quarry (2016) Seuß B Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Ice volume and paleoclimate history of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age from conodont apatite oxygen isotopes from Naqing (Guizhou, China) (2016) Chen B, Joachimski M, Wang X, Shen S, Qi Y, Qie W Journal article, Original article Conodont and carbon isotope stratigraphy near the Frasnian/Famennian (Devonian) boundary at Wulankeshun, Junggar Basin, NW China (2016) Wang ZH, Becker RT, Aboussalam ZS, Hartenfels S, Joachimski M, Gong YM Journal article, Original article Submarine palaeoenvironments during Emeishan flood basalt volcanism, SW China: Implications for plume-lithosphere interaction during the Capitanian, Middle Permian ('end Guadalupian') extinction event (2016) Jerram DA, Widdowson M, Wignall PB, Sun Y, Lai X, Bond DPG, Torsvik TH Journal article, Original article Depositional conditions and revised age of the Permo-Triassic microbialites at Gaohua section, Cili County (Hunan Province, South China) (2016) Wang L, Wignall PB, Wang Y, Jiang H, Sun Y, Li G, Yuan J, Lai X Journal article, Original article Microfacies and carbon isotope records of Mississippian carbonates from the isolated Bama Platform of Youjiang Basin, South China: Possible responses to climate-driven upwelling (2015) Liu C, Jarochowska E, Du Y, Vachard D, Munnecke A Journal article, Original article Ages of major Little Ice Age glacier fluctuations on the southeast Tibetan Plateau derived from tree-ring-based moraine dating (2015) Hochreuther P, Loibl D, Wernicke J, Zhu H, Grießinger J, Bräuning A Journal article, Original article Palaeobiogeography of the Bajocian - Oxfordian macrofauna of Gebel Maghara (North Sinai, Egypt): Implications for eustacy and basin topography (2015) Abdelhady AA, Fürsich F Journal article A delayed end-Permian extinction in deep-water locations and its relationship to temperature trends (Bianyang, Guizhou Province, South China) (2015) Jiang H, Joachimski M, Wignall PB, Zhang M, Lai X Journal article, Original article Early Ordovician lithistid sponge-Calathium reefs on the Yangtze Platform and their paleoceanographic implications (2015) Kießling W, Li Q, Li Y, Wang J Journal article