Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

Journal Abbreviation: PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL
ISSN: 0031-0182
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (135)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Windward and leeward margins of an Upper Ordovician carbonate platform in the Central Tarim Uplift, Xinjiang, northwestern China (2017) Zhang Y, Li Y, Wang G, Munnecke A Journal article, Original article Dissecting Calathium-microbial frameworks: The significance of calathids for the Middle Ordovician reefs in the Tarim Basin, northwestern China (2017) Li Q, Li Y, Zhang Y, Munnecke A Journal article, Original article Stratigraphical and δ13C records of Permo-Carboniferous platform carbonates, South China: Responses to late Paleozoic icehouse climate and icehouse-greenhouse transition (2017) Liu C, Jarochowska E, Du Y, Vachard D, Munnecke A Journal article, Original article Middle to Late Jurassic equatorial seawater temperatures and latitudinal temperature gradients based on stable isotopes of brachiopods and oysters from Gebel Maghara, Egypt (2017) Alberti M, Fürsich F, Abdelhady AA, Andersen N Journal article The Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition in South China: Oceanic environments and life from Late Permian to Late Triassic (2017) Chen ZQ, Algeo TJ, Sun Y, Schoepfer SD Journal article, Editorial Early Carnian conodont fauna at Yongyue, Zhenfeng area and its implication for Ladinian-Carnian subdivision in Guizhou, South China (2017) Zhang ZT, Sun YD, Lai XL, Joachimski M, Wignall PB, Sun Y Journal article, Original article Cryptic biostalactites in a submerged karst cave of the Belize Barrier Reef revisited: Pendant bioconstructions cemented by microbial micrite (2017) Gischler E, Heindel K, Birgel D, Brunner B, Reitner J, Peckmann J Journal article The sediment composition and predictive mapping of facies on the Propeller Mound-A cold-water coral mound (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic) (2017) Heindel K, Titschack J, Dorschel B, Huvenne VA, Freiwald A Journal article, Original article Event beds or condensed unit? Analysis of a wood-log concentration in the Upper Jurassic of the Kachchh Basin, western India (2017) Fürsich F, Alberti M, Pandey DK, Rai J Journal article Changes in terrestrial floras at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary in Europe (2017) Barbacka M, Pacyna G, Kocsis Á, Jarzynka A, Ziaja J, Bodor E Journal article, Original article