Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

Journal Abbreviation: PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOCL
ISSN: 0031-0182
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (135)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Paleoclimate perturbations before the early Sheinwoodian Glaciation: A trigger for extinctions during the Ireviken Event. (2010) Lehnert O, Maennik P, Joachimski M, Calner M, Fryda J Journal article Palaeokarst evidence for widespread regression and subaerial exposure in the middle Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Baltoscandia: significance for global climate. (2010) Calner M, Lehnert O, Nolvak J Journal article d18O compostion from conodont apatite indicates climate cooling during the Middle Pridoli (2010) Zigaite Z, Joachimski M, Lehnert O, Brazauskas A Journal article, Original article Stratigraphic and oxygen isotope evidence for My-scale glaciation driving eustasy in the Early-Middle Devonian greenhouse world. (2009) Elrick M, Berkyova S, Klapper G, Sharp Z, Joachimski M, Fryda J Journal article Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy and precise dating of middle Frasnian (lower Upper Devonian) Alamo Breccia, Nevada, USA (2009) Morrow JR, Sandberg CA, Malkowski K, Joachimski M Journal article Mississippian d13Ccarb and conodont apatite d18O records - Their relation to the Late Palaeozoic Glaciation (2008) Buggisch W, Joachimski M, Sevastopulo G, Morrow JR Journal article Late Pliocene grassland from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. (2008) Bamford MK, Stanistreet IG, Stollhofen H, Albert RM Journal article, Original article Late Carboniferous hydrocarbon-seep carbonates from the glaciomarine Dwyka Group, southern Namibia. (2008) Himmler T, Freiwald A, Stollhofen H, Peckmann J Journal article, Original article Fingerprinting facies of the Tuff IF marker, with implications for early hominin palaeoecology, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. (2008) Stollhofen H, Stanistreet IG, Mchenry LJ, Mollel GF, Blumenschine RJ, Masao FT Journal article, Original article A major perturbation of the global carbon budget in the Early-Middle Frasnian transition (Late Devonian). (2008) Racki G, Joachimski M, Morrow JR Journal article, Original article