Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics Biology and Medicine

Journal Abbreviation: MAGN RESON MATER PHY
ISSN: 0968-5243
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)

Publications (18)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Assessment of edema using STIR+ via 3D cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in patients with suspected myocarditis (2017) Jeserich M, Merkely B, Schlosser P, Kimmel S, Pavlik G, Achenbach S Journal article Accelerating Multi-Echo Water-Fat MRI with a Joint Locally Low-Rank and Spatial Sparsity-Promoting Reconstruction (2016) Lugauer F, Nickel D, Wetzl J, Kiefer B, Hornegger J, Maier A Journal article Highly undersampled peripheral Time-of-Flight magnetic resonance angiography: optimized data acquisition and iterative image reconstruction (2015) Hutter J, Grimm R, Forman C, Hornegger J, Schmitt P Journal article Acoustic-noise-optimized diffusion-weighted imaging (2015) Ott M, Blaimer M, Grodzki DM, Breuer FA, Roesch J, Dörfler A, Heismann B, Jakob PM Journal article High-Resolution 3D Whole-Heart Coronary MRA: A Study on the Combination of Data Acquisition in Multiple Breath-Holds and 1D Residual Respiratory Motion Compensation (2014) Forman C, Piccini D, Grimm R, Hutter J, Hornegger J, Zenge MO Journal article Adapted random sampling patterns for accelerated MRI (2011) Knoll F, Clason C, Diwoky C, Stollberger R Journal article Fast reduction of undersampling artifacts in radial MR angiography with 3D total variation on graphics hardware (2010) Knoll F, Unger M, Diwoky C, Clason C, Pock T, Stollberger R Journal article Online improvement of the reliability of PRF based temperature maps displayed during laser-induced thermotherapy of liver lesions (2009) Rothgang E, Kickhefel A, Roland J, Rosenberg C, Hornegger J, Lorenz CH Journal article, Original article