New Journal of Physics

Journal Abbreviation: NEW J PHYS
ISSN: 1367-2630
Publisher: Institute of Physics: Open Access Journals / Institute of Physics (IoP) and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

Publications (166)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Phase retrieval in incoherent diffractive imaging using higher-order photon correlation functions (2024) Bojer M, Eckert J, Karl S, Richter S, von Zanthier J Journal article Phase-locking an interferometer with single-photon detections (2023) Hacker B, Günthner K, Rößler C, Marquardt C Journal article Corrigendum: Atomic real-space perspective of light-field-driven currents in graphene (2022 New J. Phys. 24 033051) (2023) Morimoto Y, Shinohara Y, Ishikawa KL, Hommelhoff P Journal article, Erratum Quantum sensing of electric field distributions of liquid electrolytes with NV-centers in nanodiamonds (2023) Hollendonner M, Sharma S, Parthasarathy SK, Dasari D, Finkler A, Kusminskiy SV, Nagy R Journal article Ring-linear mixtures of semiflexible rubber bands (2023) Gómez LR, García NA, Fernández Márquez JC, Pöschel T Journal article Unfolding the Hong-Ou-Mandel interference between heralded photons from narrowband twin beams (2023) Laiho K, Dirmeier T, Shafiee G, Marquardt C Journal article Rydberg ions in coherent motional states: a new method for determining the polarizability of Rydberg ions (2023) Niederländer M, Vogel J, Schulze-Makuch A, Gély B, Mokhberi A, Schmidt-Kaler F Journal article Observation of an anomalous Hall effect in single-crystal Mn3Pt (2023) Zuniga-Cespedes BE, Manna K, Noad HML, Yang PY, Nicklas M, Felser C, Mackenzie AP, Hicks CW Journal article Spatially resolved spectroscopy of alkali metal vapour diffusing inside hollow-core photonic crystal fibres (2022) Häupl D, Weller D, Loew R, Joly N Journal article Experimental observation of a dissipative phase transition in a multi-mode many-body quantum system (2022) Benary J, Baals C, Bernhart E, Jiang J, Roehrle M, Ott H Journal article