RSC Advances

ISSN: 2046-2069
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry

Publications (102)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Preparation of geometrically highly controlled Ga particle arrays on quasi-planar nanostructured surfaces as a SCALMS model system (2023) Hofer A, Taccardi N, Moritz M, Wichmann C, Hübner S, Drobek D, Engelhardt M, et al. Journal article Nanodeformations of microcapsules: comparing the effects of cross-linking and nanoparticles (2022) Doering U, Grigoriev D, Riske T, Fery A, Boeker A Journal article Electronic effects on the mechanism of the NAD(+) coenzyme reduction catalysed by a non-organometallic ruthenium(ii) polypyridyl amine complex in the presence of formate (2022) Chrzanowska M, Katafias A, van Eldik R, Conradie J Journal article Exploring the similarity of single-layer covalent organic frameworks using electronic structure calculations (2022) Raptakis A, Croy A, Dianat A, Gutierrez R, Cuniberti G Journal article Prospect of making XPS a high-throughput analytical method illustrated for a CuxNi1-xOy combinatorial material library (2022) Bodenstein-Dresler LCW, Kama A, Frisch J, Hartmann C, Itzhak A, Wilks RG, Cahen D, Bär M Journal article The influence of the anion exchange membrane on mass-transport limiting phenomena in bipolar interface fuel cells with Fe-N/C based cathode catalyst layers (2021) Seeberger D, Hauenstein P, Hartert A, Thiele S Journal article B12X11(H2)−: exploring the limits of isotopologue selectivity of hydrogen adsorption (2021) Wulf T, Warneke J, Heine T Journal article Covalent and non-covalent chemistry of 2D black phosphorus (2021) Mitrović A, Abellán G, Hirsch A Journal article, Review article RuIII(edta) complexes as molecular redox catalysts in chemical and electrochemical reduction of dioxygen and hydrogen peroxide: inner-sphereversusouter-sphere mechanism (2021) Chatterjee D, Chrzanowska M, Katafias A, Oszajca M, van Eldik R Journal article Spontaneous alloying of ultrasmall non-stoichiometric Ag-In-S and Cu-In-S quantum dots in aqueous colloidal solutions (2021) Stroyuk O, Raievska O, Solonenko D, Kupfer C, Osvet A, Batentschuk M, Brabec C, Zahn DRT Journal article