Astronomy & Astrophysics

Journal Abbreviation: ASTRON ASTROPHYS
ISSN: 0004-6361
eISSN: 1432-0746
Publisher: EDP Sciences

Publications (449)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



INTEGRAL/IBIS polarization detection in the hard and soft intermediate states of Swift J1727.8-1613 (2024) Bouchet T, Rodriguez J, Cangemi F, Thalhammer P, Laurent P, Grinberg V, Wilms J, Pottschmidt K Journal article Discovery of the Goat Horn complex: a ∼ 1000 deg2 diffuse X-ray source connected to radio loop XII (2024) Locatelli N, Ponti G, Merloni A, Zheng X, Dennerl K, Haberl F, Maitra C, et al. Journal article A new understanding of the Gemini-Monoceros X-ray enhancement from discoveries with eROSITA (2024) Knies J, Sasaki M, Becker W, Liu T, Ponti G, Plucinsky PP Journal article Impact of disc magnetisation on MHD disc wind signature (2024) Datta SR, Chakravorty S, Ferreira J, Petrucci PO, Kallman TR, Jacquemin-Ide J, Zimniak N, et al. Journal article Archives of Photographic PLates for Astronomical USE (APPLAUSE): Digitisation of astronomical plates and their integration into the International Virtual Observatory (2024) Enke H, Tuvikene T, Groote D, Edelmann H, Heber U Journal article Multiwavelength study of the H II region LHA 120-N11 in the Large Magellanic Cloud with eROSITA (2024) Tsuge K, Sasaki M, Knies J, Haberl F, Points S, Maitra C, Filipovic MD, et al. Journal article An in-depth analysis of the variable cyclotron lines in GX 301-2 (2024) Zalot N, Sokolova-Lapa E, Stierhof J, Ballhausen R, Zainab A, Pottschmidt K, Fürst F, et al. Journal article Mass and wind luminosity of young Galactic open clusters in Gaia DR2 (2024) Celli S, Specovius A, Menchiari S, Mitchell A, Morlino G Journal article A 500 pc volume-limited sample of hot subluminous stars: I. Space density, scale height, and population properties (2024) Dawson H, Geier S, Heber U, Pelisoli I, Dorsch M, Schaffenroth V, Reindl N, et al. Journal article Probing the inner Galactic halo with blue horizontal-branch stars: Gaia DR3-based catalogue with atmospheric and stellar parameters (2024) Culpan R, Dorsch M, Geier S, Pelisoli I, Heber U, Kubátová B, Cabezas M Journal article