Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde

Journal Abbreviation: GEBURTSH FRAUENHEILK
ISSN: 0016-5751
Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag

Publications (257)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Mammographic Density and Prognosis in Patients with primary Breast Cancer - Loss of Risk with increasing Age (2020) Heindl F, Fasching P, Hein A, Hack C, Heusinger K, Gaß P, Schulz-Wendtland R, et al. Conference contribution Influence of mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Patients with Endometriosis in a randomized Cohort Study (2020) Antoniadis S, Burghaus S, Becker K, Beckmann M, Hack C Conference contribution Trastuzumab Biosimilars in the Therapy of Breast Cancer – “Real World” Experiences from four Bavarian University Breast Centres (2020) Hester A, Gaß P, Fasching P, Kraemer AK, Ettl J, Diessner J, Woeckel A, et al. Journal article Statement of the AGO and AG-CPC on the Aftercare/Follow-up for Surgical Procedures of the Lower Genital Tract after the Introduction of a New Cancer Screening Guideline (2020) Hillemanns P, Tempfer C, Beckmann M, Kueppers V, Quaas J Journal article AXSANA (AXillary Surgery After NeoAdjuvant Treatment): A European prospective multicenter cohort study to evaluate different surgical methods of axillary staging (sentinel lymph node biopsy, targeted axillary dissection, axillary dissection) in clinically node-positive breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (2020) Banys-Paluchowski M, Stickeler E, De Boniface J, Gentilini O, Thill M, Hartmann S, Fasching P, et al. Conference contribution DETECT III und IV - Individualisierte CTC-basierte Therapie des HER2-negativen metastasierten Mammakarzinoms (2020) Friedl TWP, Schneeweiss A, Mueller , Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Taran FA, Polasik A, et al. Conference contribution DETECT V/CHEVENDO - duale HER2-zielgerichteten Therapie mit Trastuzumab und Pertuzumab plus Ribociclib in Kombination mit Chemotherapie oder endokriner Therapie bei Patientinnen mit HER2-positivem und hormonrezeptor-positivem metastasierten Mammakarzinom (2020) Friedl TWP, Polasik A, Tzschaschel M, Schochter F, De Gregorio A, Fasching P, Taran FA, et al. Conference contribution Documentation Behavior in the CANKADO eHealth-Application and Effects on observed Side Effects - An exploratory Analysis of the PreCycle-Study (2020) Schmidt M, Degenhardt T, Fasching P, Wurstlein R, Lueftner D, Kates RE, Schumacher J, et al. Conference contribution ABC5 International Consensus Conference on Advanced Breast Cancer, Lisbon, 16 November 2019 (2020) Untch M, Würstlein R, Lüftner D, Haidinger R, Fasching P, Augustin D, Briest S, et al. Journal article, Review article "A Stomach Remedy at Birth" [1] a Textbook, "Sola dosis facit venenum" ("Only the dose makes the poison"), Philippus Theophrastus Bombast von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus (1493-1541) (2020) Scharl A, Abou-Dakn M, Kehl S Journal article, Editorial