Advanced Materials

Journal Abbreviation: ADV MATER
ISSN: 0935-9648
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag

Publications (76)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Non-covalent chemistry of graphene: Electronic communication with dendronized perylene bisimides (2010) Kozhemyakina N, Englert J, Yang G, Spiecker E, Schmidt C, Hauke F, Hirsch A, Spiecker E Journal article, Original article Influence of the bridging atom on the performance of a low-bandgap bulk heterojunction solar cell (2010) Scharber MC, Koppe M, Gao J, Cordella F, Loi MA, Denk P, Morana M, et al. Journal article, Original article Fullerene sensitized silicon for near- to mid-infrared light detection (2010) Matt GJ, Fromherz T, Bednorz M, Zamiri S, Goncalves G, Lungenschmied C, Meissner D, et al. Journal article, Original article Concept of a Molecular Charge Storage Dielectric Layer For Organic Thin-Film Memory Transistors (2010) Burkhardt M, Jedaa A, Novak M, Ebel A, Voitchovsky K, Stellacci F, Hirsch A, Halik M Journal article, Original article Pulsed Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth of Antimony Selenide and Antimony Sulfide Nanowires (2009) Yang RB, Bachmann J, Pippel E, Berger A, Woltersdorf J, Goesele U, Nielsch K Journal article, Original article Low-temperature solution-processed memory transistors based on zinc oxide nanoparticles (2009) Faber H, Burkhardt M, Jedaa A, Kälblein D, Klauk H, Halik M Journal article, Report Soluble graphene: Generation of aqueous graphene solutions aided by a perylenebisimide-based bolaamphiphile (2009) Englert J, Röhrl J, Schmidt C, Graupner R, Hundhausen M, Hauke F, Hirsch A Journal article, Original article Urea-melt solubilization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (2006) Ford W, Jung A, Hirsch A, Graupner R, Scholz F, Yasuda A, Wessels J Journal article, Original article Relationship Between Molecular Structure and Electrical Performance of Oligothiophene Organic Thin Film Transistors (2003) Halik M, Klauk H, Zschieschang U, Schmid G, Ponomarenko S, Kirchmeyer S, Weber W Journal article Flexible Organic Circuits with Printed Gate Electrodes (2003) Zschieschang U, Klauk H, Halik M, Schmid G, Dehm C Journal article, Report