Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Perturbative approach to an exactly solved problem: Kitaev honeycomb model (2008) Vidal J, Schmidt KP, Dusuel S Journal article Mechanisms for spin supersolidity in S=1/2 spin-dimer antiferromagnets (2008) Picon JD, Albuquerque AF, Schmidt KP, Laflorencie N, Troyer M, Mila F Journal article Nonadiabatic dynamics of electron scattering from adsorbates in surface bands (2008) Gumhalter B, Siber A, Buljan H, Fauster T Journal article Perturbative study of the Kitaev model with spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking (2008) Dusuel S, Schmidt KP, Vidal J, Zaffino RL Journal article Crossover between two different magnetization reversal modes in arrays of iron oxide nanotubes (2008) Escrig J, Bachmann J, Jing J, Daub M, Altbir D, Nielsch K Journal article, Original article Creation and identification of the two spin states of dicarbon antisite defects in 4H-SiC (2008) Steeds JW, Sullivan W, Furkert SA, Evans GA, Wellmann P Journal article Determination of self-diffusion coefficients by quasielastic neutron scattering measurements of levitated Ni droplets (2008) Meyer A, Stüber S, Holland-Moritz D, Heinen O, Unruh T Journal article Atomic and electronic structure of few-layer graphene on SiC(0001) studied with scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (2008) Lauffer P, Emtsev K, Graupner R, Ley L, Seyller T, Reshanov S, Weber HB Journal article Femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of silanized silicon quantum dots (2008) Kuntermann V, Cimpean CR, Brehm G, Sauer G, Kryschi C, Wiggers H Journal article, Original article Theory of Rayleigh scattering from metallic carbon nanotubes (2008) Malic E, Hirtschulz M, Milde F, Wu Y, Maultzsch J, Heinz TF, Knorr A, Reich S Journal article