Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Three-dimensional photonic crystals with an active surface: Gold film terminated opals (2010) Ding B, Pemble ME, Korovin AV, Peschel U, Romanov S Journal article Weak-coupling quantum Monte Carlo calculations on the Keldysh contour: Theory and application to the current-voltage characteristics of the Anderson model (2010) Werner P, Oka T, Eckstein M, Millis AJ Journal article Extension of exact-exchange density functional theory of solids to finite temperatures (2010) Greiner M, Carrier P, Görling A Journal article, Original article Ni self-diffusion in refractory Al-Ni melts (2010) Stüber S, Holland-Moritz D, Unruh T, Meyer A Journal article Probing colloidal interfaces by angle-resolved second harmonic light scattering (2010) Schürer B, Wunderlich S, Sauerbeck C, Peschel U, Peukert W Journal article, Original article Graphene growth by metal etching on Ru(0001) (2009) Starodub E, Maier S, Stass I, Bartelt NC, Feibelman PJ, Salmeron M, McCarty K Journal article Improvement of computer simulation models for metallic melts via quasielastic neutron scattering: A case study of liquid titanium (2009) Horbach J, Rozas R, Unruh T, Meyer A Journal article Two-dimensional electronic and vibrational band structure of uniaxially strained graphene from ab initio calculations (2009) Mohr M, Papagelis K, Maultzsch J, Thomsen C Journal article Time-resolved photoemission at the Si(100)-Ga surface using a femtosecond higher-harmonic laser source (2009) Melzer AC, Kampa D, Wang J, Fauster T Journal article Vibrational properties of graphene nanoribbons by first-principles calculations (2009) Gillen R, Mohr M, Thomsen C, Maultzsch J Journal article