Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Adaptive modulation in the N i2 M n1.4 i n0.6 magnetic shape-memory Heusler alloy (2018) Devi P, Singh S, Dutta B, Manna K, D'Souza SW, Ikeda Y, Suard E, et al. Journal article Magnetism of metallacrown single-molecule magnets: From a simplest model to realistic systems (2018) Pavlyukh Y, Rentschler E, Elmers HJ, Huebner W, Lefkidis G Journal article Helical magnetic structure and the anomalous and topological Hall effects in epitaxial B20 Fe1-yCoyGe films (2018) Spencer CS, Gayles J, Porter NA, Sugimoto S, Aslam Z, Kinane CJ, Charlton TR, et al. Journal article Gradual pressure-induced change in the magnetic structure of the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn3Ge (2018) Sukhanov AS, Singh S, Caron L, Hansen T, Hoser A, Kumar , Borrmann H, et al. Journal article Observation of Landau quantization and standing waves in HfSiS (2018) Jiao L, Xu QN, Qi YP, Wu SC, Sun Y, Felser C, Wirth S Journal article Anomalous resonances of an optical microcavity with a hyperbolic metamaterial core (2018) Travkin E, Kiel T, Sadofev S, Busch K, Benson O, Kalusniak S Journal article Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of van der Waals interactions between aromatic benzene rings (2018) Azadi S, Kühne TD Journal article Complex temperature dependence of coupling and dissipation of cavity magnon polaritons from millikelvin to room temperature (2018) Boventer I, Pfirrmann M, Krause J, Schoen Y, Klaeui M, Weides M Journal article Canted ferrimagnetism and giant coercivity in the nonstoichiometric double perovskite L a2 N i1.19 O s0.81 O6 (2018) Feng HL, Reehuis M, Adler P, Hu Z, Nicklas M, Hoser A, Weng SC, et al. Journal article Stable Weyl points, trivial surface states, and particle-hole compensation in WP2 (2018) Razzoli E, Zwartsenberg B, Michiardi M, Boschini F, Day RP, Elfimov IS, Denlinger JD, et al. Journal article