Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Bilayer Kitaev models: Phase diagrams and novel phases (2018) Seifert UFP, Gritsch J, Wagner E, Joshi DG, Brenig W, Vojta M, Schmidt KP Journal article Narrow-band tunable terahertz detector in antiferromagnets via staggered-field and antidamping torques (2018) Gomonay O, Jungwirth T, Sinova J Journal article Temperature-induced inversion of the spin-photogalvanic effect in WTe2and MoTe2 (2018) Lim S, Rajamathi CR, Suess V, Felser C, Kapitulnik A Journal article Element-specific magnetic properties of mixed 3d-4f metallacrowns (2018) Alhassanat A, Gamer IC, Rauguth A, Athanasopoulou AA, Sutter J, Luo C, Ryll H, et al. Journal article Instability of dislocation fluxes in a single slip: Deterministic and stochastic models of dislocation patterning (2018) Wu R, Tuzes D, Ispanovity PD, Groma I, Hochrainer T, Zaiser M Journal article, Original article Complex manifold of Rashba and image-potential states on Bi/Ag(111) (2018) Rosenzweig P, Otto S, Fauster T Journal article Temperature-induced modification of the Dirac cone in the tetradymite topological insulator Bi2Te2Se (2018) Nayak J, Fecher GH, Ouardi S, Shekhar C, Tusche C, Ueda S, Ikenaga E, Felser C Journal article Two-dimensional ferroelastic topological insulators in single-layer Janus transition metal dichalcogenides MSSe(M=Mo, W) (2018) Ma Y, Kou L, Huang B, Dai Y, Heine T Journal article Full angular dependence of the spin Hall and ordinary magnetoresistance in epitaxial antiferromagnetic NiO(001)/Pt thin films (2018) Baldrati L, Ross A, Niizeki T, Schneider C, Ramos R, Cramer J, Gomonay O, et al. Journal article Spin-orbit torques and tunable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in Co/Cu/Co trilayers (2018) Freimuth F, Bluegel S, Mokrousov Y Journal article