Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Characterization of topological band structures away from the Fermi level by the anomalous Nernst effect (2018) Noky J, Gooth J, Felser C, Sun Y Journal article Stability and magnetic properties of Fe double layers on Ir (111) (2018) Dupe M, Heinze S, Sinova J, Dupe B Journal article Direct observation of spin diffusion enhanced nonadiabatic spin torque effects in rare-earth-doped permalloy (2018) Krautscheid P, Reeve RM, Schoenke D, Boventer I, Conca A, Chumak A, Hillebrands B, et al. Journal article Cavity optomagnonics with magnetic textures: Coupling a magnetic vortex to light (2018) Graf J, Pfeifer H, Marquardt F, Kusminskiy SV Journal article Spin-current density-functional theory for a correct treatment of spin-orbit interactions and its application to topological phase transitions (2018) Trushin E, Görling A Journal article Anomalous Nernst effect and field-induced Lifshitz transition in the Weyl semimetals TaP and TaAs (2018) Caglieris F, Wuttke C, Sykora S, Suess , Shekhar C, Felser C, Buechner B, Hess C Journal article Optical conductivity of the Weyl semimetal NbP (2018) Neubauer D, Yaresko A, Li W, Loehle A, Huebner R, Schilling MB, Shekhar C, et al. Journal article Prediction of ideal triple degenerate points in HfIrAs and HfIrBi (2018) Song ZG, Felser C, Sun Y Journal article Origin of spin-polarized photocurrents in the topological surface states of Bi2Se3 (2018) Ketterl AS, Otto S, Bastian M, Andres B, Gahl C, Minar J, Ebert H, et al. Journal article Hybrid quantum anomalous Hall effect at graphene-oxide interfaces (2018) Zanolli Z, Niu C, Bihlmayer G, Mokrousov Y, Mavropoulos P, Verstraete MJ, Bluegel S Journal article