Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Dynamics of photodoped charge transfer insulators (2019) Golez D, Boehnke L, Eckstein M, Werner P Journal article Pressure-induced metallization, transition to the pyrite-type structure, and superconductivity in palladium disulfide Pd S2 (2019) Elghazali MA, Naumov PG, Mu Q, Suess , Baskakov AO, Felser C, Medvedev SA Journal article Multiwavelength Raman spectroscopy of ultranarrow nanoribbons made by solution-mediated bottom-up approach (2019) Rizzo D, Prezzi D, Ruini A, Nagyte V, Keerthi A, Narita A, Beser U, et al. Journal article Nonperturbative theory of effective Hamiltonians for deformations in two-dimensional materials: Moire systems and dislocations (2019) Rost F, Gupta R, Fleischmann M, Weckbecker D, Ray N, Olivares J, Vogl M, et al. Journal article Magnon-polaron excitations in the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn3Ge (2019) Sukhanov AS, Pavlovskii MS, Bourges P, Walker HC, Manna K, Felser C, Inosov DS Journal article Evidence of hot and cold spots on the Fermi surface of LiFeAs (2019) Fink J, Nayak J, Rienks EDL, Bannies J, Wurmehl S, Aswartham S, Morozov , et al. Journal article Signatures for half-metallicity and nontrivial surface states in the kagome lattice Weyl semimetal Co3Sn2 S2 (2019) Jiao L, Xu Q, Cheon Y, Sun Y, Felser C, Liu E, Wirth S Journal article Scaling of intrinsic domain wall magnetoresistance with confinement in electromigrated nanocontacts (2019) Reeve RM, Loescher A, Kazemi H, Dupe B, Mawass MA, Winkler T, Schoenke D, et al. Journal article Noise correlations in time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (2019) Stahl C, Eckstein M Journal article Comparison of first-principles methods to extract magnetic parameters in ultrathin films: Co/Pt(111) (2019) Zimmermann B, Bihlmayer G, Boettcher M, Bouhassoune M, Lounis S, Sinova J, Heinze S, et al. Journal article