Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Robust metastable skyrmions with tunable size in the chiral magnet FePtMo3 N (2020) Sukhanov AS, Heinemann A, Kautzsch L, Bocarsly JD, Wilson SD, Felser C, Inosov DS Journal article CuTe chains on Cu(111) by deposition of one-third of a monolayer of Te: Atomic and electronic structure (2020) Kißlinger T, Raabgrund A, Geldiyev B, Ammon MM, Rieger J, Hauner J, Hammer L, et al. Journal article eta-paired superconducting hidden phase in photodoped Mott insulators (2020) Li J, Golez D, Werner P, Eckstein M Journal article Ab initio study of quantized circular photogalvanic effect in chiral multifold semimetals (2020) Le C, Zhang Y, Felser C, Sun Y Journal article Comparing the generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz with the full Kadanoff-Baym equations for an excitonic insulator out of equilibrium (2020) Tuovinen R, Golez D, Eckstein M, Sentef MA Journal article Optical method to detect the relationship between chirality of reciprocal space chiral multifold fermions and real space chiral crystals (2020) Sun Y, Xu Q, Zhang Y, Le C, Felser C Journal article Dynamic structure factor of Heisenberg bilayer dimer phases in the presence of quenched disorder and frustration (2020) Hörmann M, Schmidt KP Journal article Exciton-polaritons in flatland: Controlling flatband properties in a Lieb lattice (2020) Harder TH, Egorov OA, Beierlein J, Gagel P, Michl J, Emmerling M, Schneider C, et al. Journal article Structural sensitivity of the spin Hall magnetoresistance in antiferromagnetic thin films (2020) Ross A, Lebrun R, Ulloa C, Grave DA, Kay A, Baldrati L, Kronast F, et al. Journal article Pressure and magnetic field effects on ferroelastic and antiferromagnetic orderings in honeycomb-lattice Mn2V2O7 (2020) Wu HC, Hsieh DJ, Yen TW, Sun PJ, Kakarla DC, Her JL, Matsuda YH, et al. Journal article