Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Time evolution of many-body localized systems in two spatial dimensions (2020) Kshetrimayum A, Goihl M, Eisert J Journal article Dynamical and current-induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction: Role for damping, gyromagnetism, and current-induced torques in noncollinear magnets (2020) Freimuth F, Bluegel S, Mokrousov Y Journal article Equivalence of reflection paths of light and Feynman paths in stacked metasurfaces (2020) Sperrhake J, Falkner M, Fasold S, Kaiser T, Pertsch T Journal article Dynamically induced doublon repulsion in the Fermi-Hubbard model probed by a single-particle density of states (2020) Valmispild VN, Dutreix C, Eckstein M, Katsnelson M, Lichtenstein A, Stepanov EA Journal article Anisotropic fractal magnetic domain pattern in bulk Mn1.4PtSn (2020) Sukhanov AS, Cespedes BEZ, Vir P, Cameron AS, Heinemann A, Martin N, Chaboussant G, et al. Journal article Collective excitations of the U (1)-symmetric exciton insulator in a cavity (2020) Lenk K, Eckstein M Journal article Quantum criticality and excitations of a long-range anisotropic XY chain in a transverse field (2020) Adelhardt P, Koziol J, Schellenberger A, Schmidt KP Journal article Theory of domain-wall magnetoresistance in metallic antiferromagnets (2020) Zheng JH, Brataas A, Klaeui M, Qaiumzadeh A Journal article Stark time crystals: Symmetry breaking in space and time (2020) Kshetrimayum A, Eisert J, Kennes DM Journal article Mixed topology ring states for Hall effect and orbital magnetism in skyrmions of Weyl semimetals (2020) Redies M, Lux FR, Hanke JP, Buhl PM, Bluegel S, Mokrousov Y Journal article