Physical Review B

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS REV B
ISSN: 0163-1829
eISSN: 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society

Publications (664)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Robust formation of nanoscale magnetic skyrmions in easy-plane anisotropy thin film multilayers with low damping (2021) Flacke L, Ahrens V, Mendisch S, Korber L, Bottcher T, Meidinger E, Yaqoob M, et al. Journal article Effect of magnons on the temperature dependence and anisotropy of spin-orbit torque (2021) Freimuth F, Bluegel S, Mokrousov Y Journal article Chern number and Berry curvature for Gaussian mixed states of fermions (2021) Wawer L, Fleischhauer M Journal article Anisotropic magnetothermal transport in Co2MnGa thin films (2021) Ritzinger P, Reichlova H, Kriegner D, Markou A, Schlitz R, Lammel M, Scheffler D, et al. Journal article All-optical generation of antiferromagnetic magnon currents via the magnon circular photogalvanic effect (2021) Bostroem EV, Parvini TS, Mciver JW, Rubio A, Viola Kusminskiy S, Sentef MA Journal article Effective dimension reduction with mode transformations: Simulating two-dimensional fermionic condensed matter systems with matrix-product states (2021) Krumnow C, Veis L, Eisert J, Legeza O Journal article Nonequilibrium resonant inelastic x-ray scattering study of an electron-phonon model (2021) Werner P, Eckstein M Journal article Quantum Boltzmann equation for strongly correlated electrons (2021) Picano A, Li J, Eckstein M Journal article Defect levels from SCAN and MBJ meta-GGA exchange-correlation potentials (2021) Rauch T, Munoz F, Marques MAL, Botti S Journal article Role of free-carrier interaction in strong-field excitations in semiconductors (2021) Hollinger R, Haddad E, Zapf M, Shumakova V, Herrmann P, Roeder R, Uschmann I, et al. Journal article